Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Brain Is Alive with the Sound of Music!

Have you ever had a dream where the entire dream featured one thing, and one thing only? Well, for some reason, during my entire dream last night, I did nothing but sing. I sang while it rained; I sang while I was swimming in this really dirty pool; I even sang while I was on the phone with an old friend. And it was basically the same songs. I'm not sure if it was because of a song that I had been singing to myself for the last few days, but it was as if I were in a musical, but just one song was the main song, the title song, the climatic song, and the end credit song.

We haven't sung this song in such a long time at church, so I thought I would just play it before going to bed, and share it with you all. PS - my child is trying to sing it as well. Go to bed, child!

Not only did I sing the above song, but the following one:

I used to sing this song everywhere I went! I love this song!

I mean music is my thing. I never wanted to major in it because it was something I enjoyed, and school kind of ruins things for me when forced to have to do it. Like when I was in dance ensemble at UT-Martin. Didn't like my instructor at all. Enjoyed the people I danced with, but hated the fact that we had to choreograph an entire program. Well, not really hated it, but I hated the fact I had to register for the class rather than volunteer, when other folks were not forced to do that. Made me sick! But anyway, hope you all enjoyed what my brain had to go through. So good night all!

Friday, October 28, 2011

My Dreams Be Weird, Yo!

So last night, I had this dream that I was at my grandmother's house, playing with some Legos. For some reason, my bridge that I built from the dresser to grandma's bed would not stay up! I mean I pretended to have the Lego people walk across the bridge, but it just kept falling apart. So finally I decided to have the Lego nurse fly across in the medi-copter - upside down. Suddenly we were in our old house, but it was in mid-town (the house we lived in when we lived in South Memphis). Really, it was a nice house, just that the neighborhood sucked. Anyway, the house was in a cove, on a hill, and some guys tried to rob the place. Then this giant hamburger came out of nowhere with a Muppet inside of it. It looked like Janice, and something ended up eating her and the backside of the burger. We tracked it down to the guys that tried to rob us earlier, who was trapped in the back yard by Charlie, my little Pomeranian. They thought they could get away by jumping over the fence, but she jumped right behind them and got to them. The dream ended with Charlie barking at the guys as they tried to drive away.

Some of my other dreams consisted of my family packing up to head on vacation. I think we need to go on a vacation. I say we go on a cruise, so what do you think? Sounds like a plan. Anyway, going to go to bed. Later gators!

Monday, October 10, 2011

I've missed my dream boat!

Dear Dream Readers,

I have not forgotten about you all. I have been quite the busy little bumble bee, with classes, and of course, having some really vivid dreams, but I have not been able to document the wonderful things that go through my brain. Fortunately for you all, I will talk about a few of them. Unfortunately, it will be the short, short version.

Dream 1 - So last night, I had a dream about a house that my sweet man and I saw, in reality. It's an absolutely gorgeous house that if we had the money, we'd buy it in a heartbeat. But unfortunately, it costs about as much as about 5 houses put together, and it's about as big as my parent's house, with one extra bedroom. Anyway, I dreamed we got the house, but for some reason, John Travolta, in his "Welcome Back Carter" get up was trying to get some kids he was babysitting to brush their teeth, and he did, but he managed to get them to use the toilet water. See they were asleep and dreaming that they were in the bathroom using the sink, but they were hypnotized and were using the toilet. When they woke up, they saw that they were using the toilet instead. Needless to say, they felt sick.

Then my child was running around the house, a head full of hair that needed to be combed, but she would not sit still long enough so that I could do it. That was a part of the John Travolta dream with the kids brushing their teeth - everyone was getting ready for school. When we all woke up from being hypnotized, my child's hair was normal - short and easy to manage.

Then, we were at my mama's house. For some reason she had these black tiny wormy things that were all over the house and in the carpet. They were about the size of fleas, but they were worms. We had to bomb the house with bug bombs, and kill them all off. They were everywhere - clinging to folks like leaches. It was horrible!

Dream 2 - this was the fun dream. I had a dream what I was on The Apprentice. I don't think I talked about this one, so here we go. So it was the girls against guys. Me and my friend Ketha - my editor - were on the girls' team, and my man, along with his boy Chris, Justin Timberlake, Rupert Grint, and Daniel Radcliffe were a part of the guys's team. There were others, but these were the ones that were recognized. The first task was to created a model sized house with decorations for the front yard. we had to use the materials given to us. We had some stuff from Garden Ridge - wreaths, broom sticks, Popsicle sticks, etc. Well, I decided that our group would take the wreaths, fluff them out to look like tree tops, and put them on the broom sticks. The Popsicle sticks were used to build the house. The guys straight up copied my idea.

When we were almost finished, I noticed one of my trees was missing a top. One of the girls tried to hide it, but I found out that the guys had taken one of the wreaths and hid it. I managed to get it and fix the tree before Trump called time. When he saw that we both had the same design, he was like who came up with the idea first. I wanted to say me, but I didn't want to seem like I was tattling. I went ahead and said I did, and we won the game because of course, he knew I did.

Well, the game went on, and me and Ketha made it to the top 5 girls, and Chris, Richard, Rupert, Justin, and Danie were the top 5 guys. The girls had to sell a product to an executive, and we sold animal crackers. We dressed up in outfits I made, and we were convincing enough that he agreed to work with us. The guys sold beer that they had made. The executives also liked their idea. Unfortunately one guy and one girl had to go - Ketha was eliminated, and so was my Richard. I was a sad lady!

Fast forward to the end, it was me against Justin Timberlake. A few months before the finally I had given birth to our son - we had a boy, yes. Dear, Lord, PLEASE do not take me saying I had a boy as meaning I am ready for another one. I love my little pumpkin, but she is enough for now. Also, I had finished my degree, so I was Dr. so and so! Anyway, He asked what we were going to do with our winnings, and I talked about opening up an advising center for kids in the midsouth that wanted advice about applying to and enrolling in school - a center open to all students in the area. I, of course, won the prize and I became famous!

Other dreams consisted of preparing for our impending doom. Oh, we had an earthquake and we had to prepare for the final one that would take out the whole planet. Forget getting on ships to sail us to a new coast - we got onto ships that sailed us to new and better planets!

So that's about it. I cannot hold my eyes open any longer. So on that note, good night!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

And I'm Back!

I've been on a dream fast lately. I wonder if you can actually have a dream fast. I mean there are times when I completely forget what I dreamed about the night before, but actually fasting, don't think so. But I at least remember a large majority of my dreams from the last few nights.

One example, I had a dream that I was at Dragon*Con with a bunch of my friends (the usual crew), and several of my family folks made it down as well. We had a ball, and met a few of the Potter people - the main characters this time. It was a lot of fun, and my friend who is obsessed with Rupert Grint ended up going out with him for a bit. Yes, there is actually another that is more obsessed with the ginger than I am!

The another dream I had was that I was trying to get home, and I was taking several wrong turns to get to get to the house. I stopped at the gas station that's at the corner of Yale and Covington Pike (the Texaco, not the Mapco), and I was trying to buy five $2 lottery tickets. The guy was trying to give me everything other than what I was asking for - $5 lottery tickets, $1 ones, all of the ones that I didn't ask for. I tried to get the manager to listen to me, but he was too busy with his dog. When I tried to get away, I was stuck inside of the store, which suddenly turned into an apartment. Every time I would open a door, another smaller door would turn up, and so on, and so on. Finally I was fed up with being stuck, I just blew the thing open - some power punch I used with the rage I had growing inside me. When I stepped outside, I was at my grandma's house! What the heck? So I eventually woke up, from staring at the hole in the wall to my grandma's house.

Now last night I had a variety of dreams! The first one starts with me watching one of my old favorite soap operas that just went off the air this past Friday. Well, all of the characters developed a disease brought on by some radioactive leakage in the area. Their eyes, nose, and mouth all shrunk, basically their entire face were just sunken in, really tiny like! It was weird! Everyone looked like that! We were trying to figure out how it all started, and we discovered that it was a government experiment went wrong, and I was a part of the research. I told them what not to do, and they did it anyway, thus causing the disease to spread. So we all had an opportunity to save people and go off to another planet. They asked who I wanted to save, and I said take a look at my Facebook page - all of those folks, plus the people on their pages. With exceptions of course! Brother's ex wife and ex girlfriends - some of them, that is. I still like a few of his ex girlfriends. Their kids can come, if tested. If they are tested positive for the disease, they are to be treated and healed.

There was this one scientist who took in his daughter from a previous relationship. She had just made the cheerleading team at school, and was on her way when she got a phone call from her half sister - her mom was pissed because their father had not put them on the list to get on the ship. The girl didn't know what she was talking about. Apparently the other girl and his ex wife had basically blown him off because he was a scientist, and wasn't rich enough, so mom went and married a really rich man who apparently didn't have the sense enough to get on the list that his office had for months told them about because there was an emergency, and everyone in the office was supposed to sign up. Well, he thought it all was a hoax, even after the girls' father told him to do it. Needless to say, they didn't make it on the ship.

With everyone on the ship, we all made it to safety. The rest of the people left on the planet died. Earth dried up, and that was about it.

The next dream, I was in school - taking 12 hours of course work on the undergraduate level. I was in a government history class and a calculus class. The problem was that I had been going to the classes at the wrong time. I was registered for the courses, and the instructors were right, but I was just going at the wrong time during the day. When I finally got everything together, I tried to tell my government instructor what was happening, and not to be alarmed if I showed up twice for class that day. He basically was ignoring me because he was trying to set up the classroom to fit the number of students remaining in his class. He made the seats form an S, which eventually turned into stadium seating - we were about to listen to some speeches from some political figures, like Hilary and Chelsea Clinton, Martin Luther King, Jr. - he was alive in y dream - Rosa Parks, and that Wallace guy from America's Most Wanted. When I sat down, I was sitting next to one of my former co-workers, who was now my classmate, and some older woman. Suddenly the seat started moving, and we went from the overflow room into the actual room where everyone was sitting. Not just in the audience, but we ended up sitting behind the speakers. I got a chance to get pictures with everyone on the panel, it was awesome, until I got a phone call to come home for some reason. That's when I woke up. Right before I woke up, I was taking a picture with Wallace. I gave some girl my cell phone, which was inside of a salad and was covered with shredded cheddar cheese.

My next dream, I had received a FedEx envelope full of checks and a diamond ring. I was like what the hell! Then I read in the memo that they were from a bunch of high school kids that were flying into Memphis for a choir contest. The checks were all made out to me for some reason, but I was not the contact person for this contest. Well, the kids all started filing in, and I was like I do not want these checks. Why were they sent to me? The teachers didn't know why, so I just gave them their checks back. As for the ring, some kid was going to propose to his girlfriend, and he was about to use some old aluminum foil ring he made because he lost the ring. Come to find out all of this mix up was his fault, but he got the ring back and proposed to the girl.

When we all tried to get out, we got lost. The school turned into a maze, and then it all stated to feel like a really bad high school horror movie. Every turn we made, one of the kids would get lost and would die. I would finally get out of the room, but I would end up in another old dream or in the past somewhere. I finally got out, and was in the right year, but I ended up being someone else. My body was occupied by the girl whose body I was occupying. I was like look, I'm not going to try to get back into that body. We are just going to have to make due and learn to live with what we got. I wasn't happy because I had smaller boobs. Did not like that at all. Made me look all lopped-sided and stuff! Kayla at least knew who I was because I was like "Hi mama's Peanut!" She knew her mama, but didn't like the new body. Wonder if I would have just stayed asleep if I could have gotten back into the right body? Probably not. May have ended up dead with the rest of the choirs.

That was about it. I think I'm going to go read about why technology had cause such a financial crisis for most universities. Later gators!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dreams Inspired by the Con!

So I've been down in Atlanta all weekend for Dragon Con - funny that they already have it advertised for next year. And when you spend most of your time looking at strange pictures, people, costumes, etc., you start to have fun and crazy dreams. I had one that was really cool, except that everyone dies. It all started with a virus that was airborne. We were all told that if we got a shot, we would be immune to it. Needless to say, there was still a possibility that we would all get it, and we would die. No one knew how it would happen, or when it would happen, but it was going to happen, no matter what. The way it would happen is that the virus would get into your system, and starting from the feet up, your body would start to dissolve. The last thing to go would be your brain, so you can see yourself as your body dissolve.

I watched many friends and family go before me, and finally, it ended up being my turn. I was holding my daughter as I was saying good bye to one of my friends, and I was telling her that since my family was now gone, she had to take care of her either until she died, or until my daughter died. Again, no one was going to make it at all, so it was inevitable that Kayla would be dying soon. So as I died, I could see the skin dissolved from my feet, and then the bones, and when it finally reached my head, I felt it take over my chin, and then my mouth, my nose, eyes, and finally my brain.

After the few seconds when I died, I suddenly found myself somewhere else. It was like earth, but it wasn't. It was a completely new planet. Apparently when we died on this planet, we went to another one, completely alive. What was happening was our old bodies could no longer function on earth, so we had to be transported to our new home. Unfortunately we had to dissolve in such a gruesome manner. When I made it to my destination, I found my mama waiting on me. She told me what was going on, basically scientists knew that earth was no longer inhabitable, so we had to me transported to our new home. I asked was everyone else there, and she said yes. What about Kayla? She told me that she would be along soon, so not to worry. Apparently I gave her the virus while I was holding her. Opps! But at least my baby was coming with me!

Now, another dream I had, well, it entails yet again the end of the world. This time, I had some friends to join me. One of my old roommates from undergrad (the first time) was a hall monitor at my old high school. Apparently we all had to line up before being dismissed to catch the bus or leave for the day. My mom was with me, so I thought that I could just bypass the whole having to line up thing. Apparently that was not the case, so one of the other hall monitors tried to make us get back into the line. Mom and I ducked out of the school, running into Bre at the library exit. Well, when I saw her, I was like sorry, but since the world was ending soon, I didn't think I would have to wait in line, wasting any more time. She agreed, and let us go. We made plans to meet up later for dinner later on that evening with some other friends, but I never had the chance to make it. We all had to get on the shuttle that was going to take us to a safe place that would protect us when the world ended. That kind of sucked because I was ready for some margaritas and nachos.

Other than that, dealt with a lot of dark spaces and having to close curtains to keep the light from getting into the house - the light brought in bad aliens or something. Light was not good in this dream. Light was evil. So that was about it. I hope you all had a wonderful time. Until the next dream!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm Henry the Eighth I Am!

Have you ever had a dream that was so real...nah, not going to start like that this morning. I have been feeling all kinds of funky lately, so of course, the bad feelings affect the dreams. No, it was not a bad dream at all, just really crazy.

So I'm at this party with a group of friends, co-workers, church members, just about every person that I know, and we are mingling. While we are mingling, I keep seeing this scene from The Green Mile, where Michael Clark Duncan was showing the officers who actually killed the little girls. I can't stand that part of the movie because it makes me cry, and I want to kill that guy for hurting those babies. I kept on seeing that same scene over and over again, until finally Duncan's character was executed.

After the execution, we got ready for the dinner. Everyone was like "You're sitting at my table, right?" Of course, I couldn't say no, so I agreed to sit with everyone. Neville Longbottom was the first one to ask, so of course I said yes to him. Then my supervisor told me she was sitting with me, a few of my best friends, and then Henry VIII, the young Henry VIII, who supposedly was a very old friend of mine, was like "You will be joining at the head table, I take it?" Now, I was not about to tell the man who has cut off the heads of his former wives no! I like living, and he was my friend, so I said yes! It worked out okay because it was the head table, the largest one in the ballroom, so everyone I told that I would be sitting with them was able to join me. He was a little PO-ed that the boyfriend joined in. Sorry, your highness, but I got a man, and I wasn't about to not let him sit with us. Don't know if we lost our heads in the end, but dinner and the conversation was da bomb!

Other than that, didn't have such a great night sleeping. My tummy doesn't like me right now, so I was up every other hour, taking bathroom breaks. Too bad that was the only dream I could remember. How about you all? Did any of you have any stomach-ache-induced dreams? I hope they were good if you did! Until next time!

Friday, August 12, 2011

More Angel For You To See!

I've had some cool dreams over the last few days, but due to the finals, I haven't been able to post anything. Thank goodness I am done because this last dream I had, WOW! I mean, it was awesome! I have been trying to figure out how I would tell it, if I should write it out like a short story or what, because that dream could easily be turned into a novel. So if anyone decides to take this and run with it, you are owing me a portion of the proceeds, 95%, due to the fact that these dreams are the sole property of Melodie V. Patterson, and not that of any other representative of Dee Dee Tech, Inc. I just made that up, but seriously, don't take this, or I'll cut you!

So I saw the movie Inception, FINALLY in its entirety. I must say that it helped to explain a lot in my dreams - well, at least it did for me. I found it an interesting movie. So let's get started on my dream. I found myself inside of a hotel, and I was waiting with a group of people to get on an elevator in the middle of the lobby. It kind of reminded me of the elevators in the hotels in Atlanta - all of them, really. It wasn't just one in particular, but a take on all of them. So we get on, and as I get on, I suddenly find myself outside of the elevator and falling down the elevator shaft. I was thinking I was about to die, but I managed to land on my feet. I was dressed differently from when I got into the elevator, I was wondering what had happened to cause me to just be falling in the elevator. So I walked over to one of the operators working on the cords and asked what in the world was going on. He told me that the elevators had crashed earlier in the week, and they were doing some maintenance. Now here I was, thinking oh, hell, I died in the elevator, and now I'm an angel or something, but how could this guy be talking to me?

So I crawl up out of the shaft, and go into the lobby of the hotel to see that everything had changed in just a few days. What was really strange was that there was a story on the news about the impending end of the world. I thought, well, damn, I couldn't have missed this, and some guy came up behind me and said "I see that you've made it back." Didn't know who this guy was, but apparently he knew me. I asked him what he was talking about, and he was like "You don't remember? Well, carrying souls home does take a lot out of you, but to have amnesia after a task, that's just odd!" Taking souls home? He finally goes on to tell me that I am the angel of death. Again? Yup, this time, I'm actually the angel of death, and I was assigned to the hotel to carry all of those folks to heaven. I don't mind having to help people, but why do I always have to help dead folks? It's getting to be depressing.

So as I'm trying to figure out what's going on in my life, and why is it that I suddenly forgot who I was (apparently it had never happened before), there were some other guys across town being helped out, but in the wrong way. Some guy was making a deal with the devil, and you could just see the evil pouring out of him. I mean it was like mud! So much so that when he would go to other parts of the town, a muddy cloud would just follow him. And when he would go and recruit his minions, that muddy cloud would infect them. There was a couple that was in a pool, and he was like "yeah, you two can get dirty", and just like that, they were waddling around in a pool full of mud. It was disgusting!

Needless to say, we eventually all met up for a battle. Thundering and lightening all over the place, me doing my impressive karate movies (I think that's because me and little bit were doing karate last night). And the mud, dude, it tried to get me. But of course, good conquered evil, we won, and the sky was still gray. Yes, it still stormed on! I guess it was because it was clearing out all of that mud.

So that was it for that dream. I just remembered that I did have a dream about tornadoes again. These were actual tornadoes, and I was actually able to see the funnel cloud form. None of that seeing them from far off. And so happens, my dad was with me. Kind of ironic being that I just found out some really bad news about him. He'll be fine, but he's got some stuff he needs to work out.

Other than that, I've finished for the summer semester! Now, lets bring on the fall...YAY!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Crazy @$$ Dreams

So I've been having these really crazy dreams lately. Fun, but crazy. Let's get started!

First dream, several nights ago, I was a tattoo artist, and guess who comes in for a tattoo? Rupert Grint! You all know I have an obsession with Harry Potter, and the ginger boy comes in to my parlor for a tattoo. So why do I allow my object of obsession in my dream get the lamest of lame tattoos: his name on his back? I was like "Really, you want your name on your back?" He was like yeah, but I was like "But you're going to be wearing your shirt, right?" Yeah, he looked at me like I was crazy and just went ahead and opted for the name on his back. To each his own. I was getting paid, so I did it anyway. Thanks to the boyfriend for getting the money first. Funny thing, watching TMZ right now, and who else but Rupert Grint pops up on the screen - they asked if he embraced his gingerness when he was a kid. Okay, cool! Now, come on, let me say something able powerball and get it, since I started talking about Rupert, and he pops up out of nowhere!

Then later on in the dream, some space shuttles and airplanes started falling from the sky. I don't like those dreams because they start falling, like they are about to land, and then flip, go back up, and then come back down. Don't know what this means about the planes falling from the sky, but I don't think I want to fly for a while. Remember La Bamba? Yeah, I thought so.

Now, last night's dream, too cool! So some friends and I were being held captive by some robots, and they had a pool full of sharks that were keeping us from getting away. So they were threatening to throw one of my friends into the pool when I said "Wait, throw me in!" What? I know you may be asking yourself why would I do something like that. Well, I had a little trick up my sleeve. I was able to withstand the shark bites. Seriously, one of them bit me, and then another, and it was as if I couldn't feel a thing. Too cool! Then suddenly I made them all just freeze. They were like frozen whole fish, sitting in the pool. Poor babies, didn't know what hit them when they bit me. It did kind of suck to get them to open their mouths and remove the teeth from my skin. If you know anything about removing a fishing hook from your clothing, it was like that.

Other than that, driving through the countryside, talking with friends about different houses, possibly moving out away from the city, and all that jazz! So what do you think? I'm going to get bit by a shark this week, or something is going to bit me in the arse? Actually, I've already experienced that in the metaphorical sense, so what else could happen? I guess that is all for now. Until next time. Love to you all!

Enjoy my Rupert!

And what my baby got me...Yay! I love you!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Three Dreams in One Day!

I actually didn't have three dreams in one day, but I am going to try to talk about the three dreams I had in the last few days. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the...never mind, just remembered it.

I'm going to work backwards from last night's dream to the one a could of nights ago. It took me all day to remember this one. Last night, I had a dream that I was a high school teacher and counselor. It was the first day of school, and I just knew that things were going to be a little crazy for the day. I mean I had just gotten back from a vacation in San Diego with my boyfriend, and we had to spend most of the vacation ducking for cover due to some emergency that never really showed up. Anyway, I was going around, introducing myself to the new teachers and ran into some guy who said he knew me. I didn't know the guy, yet he was insistent. Said that I went to school with him at some university that I never attended. Even after I told him that I didn't attend that school, he thought he knew me. The reason why he knew me to follow.

So after the school day ended, all of the teachers and administrative staff came together in the main office to discuss the day's events. While we were doing that, I noticed a drawing on the wall. It looked eerily familiar to me, which in turn made the teacher from earlier tell me why he remembered me. It was from a former life, he was a friend of mine, and he remembered my aunt, who was some evil witch. Oh, man, I was supposedly a witch in my former life - it finally dawned on me who this guy was, and who my aunt was. Stinking Harry Potter has finally invaded my dream after the final movie - I was the niece of Bellatrix LeStrange! OMG! Anyway, the painting started moving, the guy in the photo was screaming at me, calling me evil, all of the teachers and the principal was screaming, not understanding what was going on. I had to calm everyone down, told the teacher to be quiet, and reassured them that I was no longer a witch...except, I was. Powers were dormant. Apparently there was so much noise going throughout the school, someone called the police. They were banging on the doors of the school, and I told one of the new teachers exactly what to tell the police, and they would go away. Well, dude didn't do what I told him, and the police rushed into the office. So I had to cast a spell on all of them, which made them all go away...except for one guy named Jacob. Apparently Jacob worked with my aunt, had a crush on me back in the day, and was pissed that I didn't return the feelings. Oh, well, deal with it, man, I don't want you. He did, however, give me the creeps, and I eventually made him go away. He threatened to return, so we were all in trouble for future encounters. Well, this could possible be a book, for me. My book, not yours. Don't steal this. Well, except the Bellatrix deal. That's not mine, that's JK!

Now, the night before, I kept reaming that I would wake up and go to the door of the hotel room I was in, and looking out the door. Whenever I would go out the door, I would meet up with some folks from church and I came up with a really pretty gospel song. I just wish I could have remembered the tune and how it went. I mean it was lovely! What's funny is that before I went to bed on Friday, I put the latch across the top of the door. When I got ready to leave, the latch was not covered. I knew I kept hearing things in that room. I think I was sleep walking or something. It was weird.

Finally, the alien dream. I kept dreaming about alien monkeys trying to take over the planet. We got help from all kinds of people - former attorneys I used to work with, new associates and interns to the old firm, and Tim Robbins. I was hilarious! We finally defeated the evil monkeys, after many attempts by all of us, the attorneys, who were moving into their offices with bedroom furniture. Yes, bedroom furniture. Big giant king sized beds, dressers, all kinds of furniture that would go into a bedroom, and not an office in a law firm.

So that's about it on my end. I will try to write more often. Let's hope I don't forget my dreams in the coming days. Thank you!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


The problem is, I can't remember any of my dreams as of late. I think that is sad, and it causes me not to be able to post anything. Once I start having normal dreams again, I will post something. Until then, enjoy the smooth vocals of Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon. I'm on vacation!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Let's Play Catch Up!

So it's been a while since I last blogged about my dreams. I guess it was because, honestly, I was being lazy. But now, I can catch up and let you all know about my dreams. I don't think I wrote about the one I had a few weeks ago, involving my niece. Well, my niece, she is a special girl, meaning that she has been troublesome for a while, but she is finally coming out of it. Well, I had a dream that she had gotten shot. It all started when she was supposed to be at the house to watch Kayla, but she never showed up. I got up, got Kayla ready for a bath, and when she got in, I noticed that she had some burn marks on her back. Of course, I was highly upset because they were fresh burn marks, and no one told me that she had been hurt. Before I could even scream at my mom and brother for not telling me about it, they were trying to figure out who was calling and hanging up on the house phone. I did ask what happened, but they claimed they didn't know. Suddenly some officer showed up at the door. He told my brother that my niece had been shot at an apartment complex. Come to find out, my brother's friend tried to call him to let him know that she had seen on the news a shooting happened at the complex where my niece lived (in my dream, that is - she currently lives between our house and her boyfriend's house). Anyway, I woke up crying. I didn't like that dream. Needless to say, when my niece stopped by the house the next morning, I gave her a huge hug. I love my big baby. She's the reason why I go by Dee Dee sometimes. My big pumpkin.

There have been a few other dreams - some taking place at my grandma's house, some being in the old apartment complex we lived in years ago. For example, last night, Vin Diesel was waiting outside our apartment, waiting to do a few interviews, and take some pictures with my friends and I, but for some reason, my hair came down, and I couldn't get it to look right. I looked all over the house for one of my wigs, and I couldn't find one that looked right. Even my short-haired wig was messed up. Apparently my mom decided to cut it into a new style and it didn't work. I ended up missing the photo session with Vin, and I was not happy!

Well, that's about it for now. I can't remember any of my other dreams. I guess now I can go and start on my paper. I'm pretty tired, but I need to get to work. Good day to you all!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Forget About It!

Literally, I almost forgot about the dream I had last night. I was about to call up my boyfriend to ask him what I told him, but then I remembered what it was about. So, my significant other had this uncle that lived in Chicago, and he wanted me to meet him, so we planned a trip to Chicago for a visit. His sister was his cousin in this dream, but not in the Deliverance/Alabama sort of way. In my dream, he was an only child. So we drove up to Chicago, and we were staying in this hotel at the top of a hill. The method of transportation by what was called a flubbub: something that's shaped like a roller coaster car, with the overhead bars, seat belts, and everything! So it cost about 50 cents to ride this thing, so we dropped in a few quarters and headed down hill. We passed by so many Italian restaurants, I started to think that Chicago was filled with nothing but Italian restaurants, or may be it was just that street. Either way, it kind of reminded me of a street that you would find in mid-town. So many decorations, all of the little outdoor seats, it was cute, from what I could see - the flubbub, you had to lay down in it, almost like a bobsled. That's what that thing reminded me of - I was trying to figure that out!

Anyway, we get down to his uncle's place - he had a place above the restaurant he owned. We were upstairs, visiting with him and his family. He was telling us, in a joking manner, not to talk his daughter into getting a tattoo. I told him I made no promises. If she got one, it was of her own free will, not me sweet talking her into it. Then I noticed that he, and some of his "associates", had tattoos under their elbows, with the word "brother" in cursive and the number 6 next to it. I asked about it, and he told me it represented him and his 5 brothers who died before him. They all came over from Sicily as young children, and tried to avoid mob-ties, but one of the brothers, just couldn't help it. They all worked together, but were not as bad as what we hear on tv. They eventually gave up the business, 5 of the brothers died of natural causes, and the remaining brother, he was like a don in the neighborhood, but again, he was a good guy.

After that, I just remember holding conversations with everyone and having dinner. Now I'm hungry. I guess that's my queue to go out and find food. So on that note, I am gone! Sweet dreams everybody!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Anticipating the End of an Era

As you may already know (and if you don't, you have a problem), I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I have read all of the books, multiple times, seen the movies, multiple times, and I am one of the millions of fans anticipating the final installment of the Harry Potter series - I call it Harry Potter 7.2, because they split the last book up into 2 movies. It's funny because they did the same for the Twilight series, and I'm not all that excited about it. May be it's because I didn't like the last book all that much. The third book was awesome, but the fourth book, not so much. Sure, I'm ready to see the birthing scene, but not the so called stand off scene. She's staring, for goodness sakes!

Anyway, this is about the Potter boy. I have been having a lot of dreams in anticipation of the final movie, and they have been FUNNY! Like this last dream, I had a dream that I was playing host to the three kids that play the trio in the movie, Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, and Rupert Grint. Now the reason why they were staying with me was because Memphis was hosting an awards ceremony where they were a part of a segment where they were telling jokes, and being witty, and all kinds of stuff. Daniel was talking about how beautiful Ginnifer Goodwin (He's Just Not That Into You, Big Love), and said she had "huge tracks of land". Now, if you don't know the reference to this, I think you are really crazy! Anyway, they did their deed, and came on to the house. We all hung out for a while, and then we went out to dinner, to the place we went to yesterday for one of my co-worker's retirement party. We were talking about all of the adventures we had for the week, and then Rupert mentioned that he had gotten arrested earlier in the week. He went with some of my cousins and a few friends to Greg's, a men's clothing store here in Memphis (I don't even know if we still have one). Well, he bought like a $400 pair of Rayban sun glasses, but some guy that looked like him had just robbed the store and walked out with a pair just like it. The manager stopped Rupert instead and pressed charges against him, so he was arrested. So he had to be booked, taken to 201 Poplar, and processed and everything - we were wondering why we hadn't heard from him in a while, but we went on as if everything was okay. So anyway, the manager finally came in with a tape, trying to prove that Rupert was the robber, only to find out that he wasn't, so they had to release him. Dude, I would have whopped up on someone, but Rupert was quite nice about it all!

So after all of that, we had a great dinner, told stories about the movies and books, and went on about our visit. One really weird part about the dream was that we kept jumping off of buildings and onto box springs, without the covers, so we were just jumping on springs. It was fun! Oh, and then we were all staying at my grandma's house. It was fun!

Well, that was it. I can't remember the rest of it. Most of it was spent at the awards show and dinner. Just so funny that old boy got arrested. Hilarious! Well, I have some work to do this weekend. May be I'll have lots of fun dreams. For now, enjoy my Harry Potter obsession!
Yes, I bought the 36 page special edition. I am a nerd, and I am proud of it! PS - Tom Felton and Rupert are pretty in this thing. So is Emma, but still...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Musical Research

I always have this dream where I'm inside of a theater, and it's the same stage, and the same set up. Each time, it's something different going on. One time, it was a blues concert. Another time, an R&B concert. Once it was a talent show that I was directing. Another time, it was me, in elementary school, participating in a play. Always the same stage, just different productions.

So a few nights ago, the state returns, but this time, different inhabitants of the stage. So you all know I'm working on a doctorate in higher education. Well, I was in the dissertation stage of my doctorate, and I was about to do a performance associated. I had the weirdest topic, but I think it would actually work, if I tried it. So the topic was conducting various voices not located in one area. Basically, the people performing the music was constantly moving around the conductor, and to different spots of the performance area. We all started out on the stage, but eventually moved off into the audience, where we all were sitting in different sections of the stands. No matter where everyone was sitting, the voices were able to radiate through the arena.

Well, the music wasn't the only thing being reviewed - we were also using the decibels of each voice to produce water particles in the air, which in turn would cause it to rain. So instead of rain dancing, we had rain singing. The subjects had to sing at the right pitch in order to get it to rain, so we tried several attempts, finally getting it to work after the third try of going through the entire German song we used to sing in high school (can't remember the name, but I can play it on the flute really well). And another song that the girls sang, I call it the snow drift song. Dude, it was beautiful, and song well in the dream, too!

Anyway, after we did our thing, the next group up was some guy who was able to turn people into zombies based on the sound he produced (no, it was not Justin Bieber). Anyway, it started to rain, due to our music, so we moved everything inside the auditorium, to my "stage". I'm standing on stage, with my lab coat, and the zombies started moving in. Now granted, they were not the brain-eating zombies, nor were they dead. They were just regular folks, under a trance. One guy made me fall off the stage because he got to close to me. After I fell off the stage, my lab partners (which included my boyfriend, several of his friends and cousins) disappeared. This did not make me happy, but I played it cool. I walked over to the love seats stage left and sat there while Lord T and Eloise sang. Don't know where they came from. So they started to sing, and perform, and suddenly my boyfriend pops up and was like "You're not dancing?" I was tired! I just made it rain, folks, come ON! So he grabbed my hand and made me follow him to where everyone was - they were in their dorms, watching the concert away from the crowd.

I'm not going to talk about the rest of the dream, because it involved me wanting to beat folks down and tear them to pieces. I did, however, have another dream before that one of me, flying in the sky, over a field of saplings. Me and my old roommate, we were super heroes, and the scenery was beautiful! Then I woke up.

So that was it. If I dream of anything else between now and tomorrow morning, I'll tell you about. Until then, good night!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Diabetes - Don't Like It!

I was telling mom about my dream from last night. My supervisor and I were talking about diabetes, and how it's running rampant through our families. I guess that discussion lead on into my dream. I had a dream that my mom's diabetes developed to the point where she was on dialysis. If you have never known anyone with diabetes, and they had to go through dialysis, believe me, it is something that you do not want to go through. My late grandmother and uncle had to have dialysis, and one more uncle and an aunt has to have it done several times a week. Luckily for me, I have not had any issues...well, I can't say that. I have the opposite problem - my sugar levels are too low at times. Oh, the fun! Anyway, mom was on dialysis, and she was just a mean lady. Reminded me of my aunt. She's not too mean, but she can be evil. That was my mom in this dream. We were trying to change out the bags (can't remember what they are called), but she was just arguing with everyone. My brothers, me, the nurse, everyone! Finally, she was healed, and she wanted to go out and party. I'm like WHAT? Woman, get your butt back in that bed and rest. Just because you're healed of the disease does not give you the right to get out and act a fool! Needless to say, she didn't listen, went out, it started raining, and she got sick. Good thing the diabetes didn't come back, but she had a nasty cold - I think that popped up because my pumpkin was sick last night and was coughing.

I think there was a part of my dream where I was at a drive-in, and we had to do something to get everyone out before it closed. Don't know what was going to happen after closing, but in my dreams, I don't like it when it gets dark and it's night time. Things happen, and it is pretty bad what happens in those dreams. I think I woke up before I got into an argument with someone.

That kind of irks me a little - I'm about to cuss someone out, but I end up waking up before I do it. I guess it curbs my anger if I wake up before it happens. But then again, I'm still angry because I start cussing out this imaginary person while I'm waking up. It kind of sucks.

Other than that, no other dreams. I'm at home with the pumpkin today because she has a double ear infection - no cold, but she's got a fever, and I don't like it! So ta ta for now! Sweet dreams!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Taking a Study Break

Before I forget, I have to talk about this wonderfully weird dream I had a few nights ago that brought the movie Annie and Lord of the Rings together, not to mention a few Third Reich references into the mix. It was kind of weird. The first part of the dream what what things would look like in the end - basically starting a movie from the end and then beginning. So I see these cartoon characters, almost like Mickey Mouse from Fantasia, sitting in a castle that's about to crumble down. We begin to wonder how did this happen? Why was this castle about to fall down, and why was everyone looking like cartoons?

So we were all in a warehouse, listening to music, watching some kids perform, one of them happened to be Annie, and for some reason, she was trying to get away from some folks who had been chasing her. All of a sudden, this picture was mounted on the wall of the warehouse, and some folks knew that in order to make the picture move, someone had to say the magic words. Well, I spoke them, by accident, and the picture began to move and it started to look like it was built by Nazis or what not. This thing had to be destroyed, so Annie, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pip had to fly up in a hot air balloon with some magic powder to kill the picture. It became the castle that we saw in the beginning. A bunch of cartoon characters were trapped in castle, and they were soon saved. The castle began to crumble, and the people who created the picture started for follow them, and for some reason, I got dragged into the fight. So we had to fly off into the sky. When we finally reached the outer hemisphere, it became blocked by a ceiling, like you would find in your bedroom. I found the portal to the other world, where we would be safe and all become cartoons. It took about three tries to get into the other room, which looked like a mirror image to the room we were in. When we got into the other room and moved a little further into it, it was as if the mirror was just a barrier for those who truly were not supposed to be there. We all made it through and became cartoons, and we all lived happily ever after. As for the Nazis, they were destroyed when they crossed over into the other room. Spontaneously combusted.

Not sure as to why I had that dream. Of course I had the other dreams with tornadoes, having to hide out in cellars, it was cool. Other than that, I can't remember what my dreams were about from last night. So that's that. I'm going to go and do some more homework. Later gators!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Wish Heaven Was Like This!

Before I forget about this dream, I've got to tell you all about it. What if heave was just an invisible doorway that was always in front of us, but like I said, it was invisible? Well, I had this dream that I was like a guide for people who were dying and were on their way to heaven. Only problem was I had to die initially to be the guide. No, I wasn't the angel of death. Death was like my boss or something, so when he was busy, I would take on some of his work load. So a friend of mine was on the list to die, and this kind of hurt me because I knew this person, so for her to see me come and get her, it would be like whoa! So I went to her place of work and I told her it was time to go. She was like go where...wait a minute, aren't you dead? I told her yes, I was, and it was time to go. She tried to fight it. She kept running pass the opening, and I was like dang it, you've got to go! I had to finally convince her that everything was going to be okay, and that dying wasn't all that bad. Sure, you wouldn't be able to see a lot of people you know, but you can still watch over them - like me, and my child. I mean I had to leave her here on earth, and that was a heart wrenching thing to do. What was cool though was that she was able to see me, so I got to watch over her as she grew up! That rocked! Anyway, back to my friend. We finally got her into heaven, she got acclimated to the situation, almost like an orientation for dead folks, and she was good to go.

Then it got weird. The cast of Moesha was next in line, so I had to bring up Brandy, Countess Vaughn, after she had her car accident, and someone else. Shar Jackson, however, didn't get to come to heaven. She killed herself, so she went to the other place. Well, before she went to hell, she called Countess on her phone and was like "Why did you all leave me here alone? I have no one to talk to!" I was really creepy. It got really messed up when she killed herself, and she went to hell. She kept calling folks, was all kinds of mean to people, trying to haunt folks. She got out of line when she tried to haunt my child. I got ghetto fabulous on her ass and had to set her straight. Then we all thought about an intervention of some sort to get her back on the lord's good graces. I don't know about you, but it was easy to get her out of hell. She calmed down, saw the things she was doing, that she was hurting other people, and she repented. So after that, we were sitting in a powwow session, and Jesus walks in. Jesus is 6'5, you guys, so he was pretty tall. And he was fist bumping folks, so he was trying to be cool and hip. I had to tell him he was being a dork, so please act natural and not try to act like one of the young kids. That was old. Anyway, that part of the dream ended when I flew down in my cloud mobile (yes, like the care bears), and I got to rock my pumpkin to sleep. I didn't dare haunt mama - she was already crazy enough with me being gone, so what do you think would happen, your child is dead and is now talking to you from the beyond? Well, Kayla didn't tell anyone about it because she didn't want to be seen as crazy either, but it was a cool thing to be able to communicate with her.

After that dream, it moved to my alien attack dream. So the dude from Twilight (no, not Robert Pattison, or however it's spelled, the one that plays Emit, he was in Prom Night and the new Nightmare on Elm Street, don't feel like looking it up on IMDB), he was knocking at our door at our old apartment, asking to get in. My mama was like "Looks like tornado weather, let them in!" So I did, and yes, there was a tornado on its way, but it was no regular tornado. It was a spaceship, and the alien controlling it was Godzilla. So I see Godzilla stomping down Jackson Avenue, and then the little aliens it was carrying, like those things in Cloverfield, yeah, they came running up the street, and we had to close our doors and lock ourselves inside for a while. We never got back out of the apartment. I think because I woke up before we could figure anything out.

So that was my jumbled up mess. How about you? What did you dream about last night? Hope it was good! Until next time!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I don't like bugs!

I may not remember my dream from last night, but I remember the one(s) from a couple of nights ago. So have you seen the movie "Ransom", with Mel Gibson, Gary Sinise, Donnie Wahlberg, yada yada yada? Well, for some reason, I condensed a two hour movie into may be a few seconds...and last night's dream, or part of it, just popped into my head! Anyway, I dreamed about the movie "Ransom", and the girl, the one who helped kidnap the kid, she was meaner in my dream than what she was in the movie. It was strange. Donnie was all like "I ain't killing no kid - that wasn't a part of the plan!" And the dude that played his brother was the same way - you know, the guy who played Cotton Weary, in the Scream movies, Liev Schreiber. Man, I think I watch way too many movies.

Anyway, another part of my dream took place on this island. It was like a retirement community, or almost like a Key West, FL, looking place. I don't know. All I know is that it was on the beach, it had a golf course, and it was beautiful. Deserted, but beautiful. I was on this cruise with a bunch of folks, and Jeff Goldblum was there. I don't know about you, but anything with Jeff Goldblum spells trouble. So we dock at this island, we are admiring the view and everything, and noticed that there were no people around. Cars empty, houses empty, no one playing golf. We all kept walking inland, and the men were like "Well, let's go back to the beach and see if there is anything there to help us out, give us some clues to this mysterious island". So they all leave, and the rest of us continue to look around, go into the shops, and no one is around. Suddenly we see the men running back from the beach, shouting. We were all like what's going on, then as they got closer, we could hear this rustling sound, almost like little feet pounding on the ground. The men were actually telling us all to run, and we saw one guy go down and was immediately covered by bugs. They looked like beetles, just eating folks up. We all ran, hid in cars and houses, covering up cracks in the doors and windows.

After they finished off a couple of the people who were with us, the bugs went back into the water. We discovered the secret of the island - the water gods were sending the bugs up for the sacrifice that was promised to them every three months. When the other people were either wiped out or escaped, the gods got angry, and plotted to lure folks to the island. Well, we had to think of a way to get rid of the water gods and the bugs, and one lady had killed off her bug with fire. Even when it went back into the water, it still died because the water wasn't really water, it was some kind of poisonous substance. Mixed with fire, it made things worse. So that was the plan: build something bigger than matches and a lighter that would set all of the bugs on fires, and some how surround the water with it. Before we could move forward with the plan, I woke up.

So that was basically what I dreamed about a few nights ago. Last night's dream, well, consisted of me wondering around my old elementary school, yet again. That's about two nights in a row, really. I'm getting tired of having to go back to that school. NOW I REMEMBER! Last night dream was all about school. I had a dream that I was running late for school, and I was trying to drop some of my co-workers off so that they could get to their class on time, and I was late because I was trying to park the car, and it wouldn't park straight. Then when I finally did get the car parked, I went inside and I had to take a math test - some freaky, out of this world type of math. Not your basic addition and multiplication, but some quantum physics and algorithms crap. I guess it was some form of anxiety for today - I start my residency for my graduate program this afternoon. It shouldn't be that hard, but goodness! That dream freaked me out a bit. No wonder I was trying to forget it. Well, that is all!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Three, three, three dreams in one!

Now that the storms have passed, I can get on here and try to blog about the dreams I've had for the past three nights. First, the 50's Pin-up dream:

So I had this dream that I was Annette Funicello, and Marilyn Monroe and I was competing in a talent show and a beauty queen contest. Well, I won the talent show, so I opted out to not compete in the beauty queen contest against Marilyn, which made her happy because she thought she was going to lose against me. Well, the judges of the contest convinced me to enter anyway, and I did. So we're competing, and she wished she was me because I was young and talented, and I wished I was her because she was so beautiful, and we ended up switching bodies for a bit. I think eventually we switched back, but I can't remember, so on to the next part of the dream.

So a friend of mine just recently got married, and I had a dream that she and her wife (yes, I said her wife) we stationed in Georgia because one of them was in the Army (actually neither of them are in the military). Anyway, she was driving this car that had to be parked next to a wall or some flat surface because in order to get in, you would have to punch in a code that would reflect onto the flat surface when you clicked on the keys. Well, one day, me and two of our other friends were driving the car, and she called and asked us to come back to the house because she just got orders that she was being stationed in Colorado. Well, the guys had forgotten the code, but I didn't (it was 234, very simple). For some reason, they were typing in complex algorithms or something. We eventually got in, and started driving back to my friends house when one of the guys that was riding with us tried to kiss him. I was like nuh uh because his boyfriend would get mad, and my boyfriend would toss him out of the car. That was a weird part of the dream.

The next dream: Vampire Live Action Games!

So this one is going to be short because I can only remember a portion of it. I had a dream what I was a character in a video game. I was fighting vampires - I was a werewolf, so guess who my favorite Twilight character is? Anyway, I'm trying to defeat this chick, who so happens to be this girl from high school who is currently upset at me right now. Anyway, I was fighting them, and then suddenly I ended up in a bathroom, fighting her, and one of her friends, and some old hillbilly guy. I guess I need to go ahead and finish my book I'm writing. I don't remember much about the dream, except continuously going around and around the corner to fight vampires. So I woke up. That's about it with that dream.

Finally, Attack of the Aliens at Raleigh Station Apartments!

So I had another dream, about being in my old apartments, and we were again, being attacked by aliens. This time, they were setting the apartments on fire with lasers and stuff. The only was to hide was to be on the bottom floor. They burned out the apartments to the right of us, and the guys that lived on the left of us were almost trapped in their apartment, but they got away. The lady downstairs with her kids were a lot of fun, kept us entertained. Finally the aliens got out of their ships, and they tried to fight us. We, of course, defeated them. But the apartments were destroyed. That kind of sucked because I wanted to go swimming, but we had to move because the apartments were being condemned.

So that's about all I have for now. Let's see what tonight will bring me...hmmm, dreams of Harry Potter? I'm actually reading book #7 for the hundredth time - not really, but I have ready it several times. There are times when I dream about how the movie will play out, and it's completely opposite from what I've read. Yeah, I'm worse than the directors, putting in stuff that's not even in the books. But my movie was way better! I can't wait for Deathly Hallows 7.2! WOO HOO! So good night everybody!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Random, but it has a point!

Have you ever had a dream where your mouth was filled with gunk, and you're trying to get it out, but it's just not all coming out? Well, I have that dream often, and the other night, I had that dream. For some reason, whatever this stuff was, it just wasn't coming out! I had the GRAND idea to try to pull out as much as I could, and just cut the rest out. Well, I did that, and ended up cutting off part of my tongue. I couldn't speak for a while, my tongue was all crooked, but it soon healed itself. Just that I was trying to prevent my tongue from bleeding so badly. So note to self: If I even get anything stuck in my mouth, do not use sharp objects to get them out, or I'll bleed.

Another reoccurance, I don't think that's a word, that happens in my dreams is that the dreams sometimes take place at the apartment complex I lived in for a majority of my elementary/jr. high school days - the Raleigh Station Apartments. I guess it's because I had a lot of fun living there, especially since my cousins lived right across the street from us. So, if it's not aliens about to attack us and land in the play area behind us, it's seeing tornadoes form to the south of us going towards Mississippi, coming to pick up our entire apartment. Seeing people surf in the ditch next to the complex, ending at the back field that runs behind it, or leaving the complex to get to my old high school, I mean I have a lot of dreams about that apartment complex. Last night was no different. I had a dream that the back part of the complex near the pool flooded, and right in front where we parked was flooded, so my friends, who drove this huge Dodge Ram, had to drop me off at the apartment. Speaking of Dodge rams, I had a dream once where I had traded in my old eclipse for a black Dodge Ram, and my brother took it from me. Two years later I get a text message from my mom, telling me that my brother just got a new truck, and guess what it was? A black Dodge Ram! I had a dream about that thing, and it's currently sitting in our garage now! Now, if only I could dream about the Powerball numbers, and remember them when I wake up!

So that's about it. I had to fight with my 2 year old to get her to take a nap. She's finally down for the count, so I guess I'll try to go to sleep while she's napping. Until later!

Friday, May 20, 2011

They're Just So Scattered Now!

Okay, so the main reason, I believe, that I haven't been able to blog about any of my dreams is because it has been pretty difficult to try to remember any of them. They're all scattered all over the place, pieces here and there, it's a mess! Do you know that it took me crossing over Summer at Waring this morning to figure out my dream from last night? Yeah, I couldn't remember a thing about it. And just now, I remembered there were other parts of the dream, but I think those parts happened during the snoozing session. Anyway, on to the dream, or at least what I can remember.

So, I have a group of friends from high school that I still keep in touch with, not just through social media, but people I have known for years. I guess this dream happened because I was talking about them yesterday. Anyway, one of them was pregnant (she's not anymore, the baby is a few months old now). We were all vacationing at this little cottage on the beach, and she had been playing pranks on everyone, and we were like, someone has to get her back! Well, some folks came up with the idea of scaring her one night when she went out on the porch. I thought it was a bad idea, being that she's pregnant, and she'll probably get emotional or something. Well, needless to say, my opinion was vetoed and they went ahead with the plan. My friend Brandon (his actual name is Chris, but he, for some reason now, goes by Brandon) was going to be the one to scare her. So she's out on the porch, listening to nature, when suddenly the porch light went out. She started shouting "Turn the light back on, I'm still out here", but nothing happened. Then all of the lights in the house went off, and she started freaking out. She got up out of the chair, and Brandon comes around the corner and scoops her up. She's starts screaming and yelling for help, swinging her arms and punching at him. Well, he puts her down and goes "It's just me, calm down!" She didn't. She's still screaming, talking about it wasn't funny, how dare he do that to her, that was mean, and all of this junk, forgetting about all of the pranks she pulled on everyone else while on vacation. Well, he kept trying to get her to calm down, and she just started punching the crap out of him. Now this guy is pretty big, and Ash, we'll, she's taller than I am, but she's probably about 5'7 to his 6'0 or so. But she managed to do some damage, and even pulled out some of his hair. Well, we all decided to go out there and try to help calm her down, and she was like "They would have never approved of this." Well, everyone was in on it, and that just set her off even more. She started going off on folks, trying to fight people. She even tried to fight one of my friends, who is a black belt in Tae Kwan Do. Yeah, she was that upset. We all tried to calm her down, and some chick, I guess a former co-worker of hers because I had never seen her before, was trying to help us, and Ash pushed her. The woman pushed Ash back, which caused me to jump off the porch and put the woman in a headlock. No matter what, never put your hands on a pregnant woman. That's just disrespectful! I remember telling her that and told her to go on home. Then I got everyone together and just went off. I was like I told you all not to do this, but no, you didn't want to listen. I like to have fun as much as the next person, but come on! And then I went off on Ash, telling her she only got back what she was dishing out, and if she couldn't take it, don't do it anymore!

All of that just to say to myself that some folks are still stuck in a juvenile mentality! We are all still kids at heart, but there are times when we all need to grow up! These stupid antics and attitudes are getting old, so get over whatever issues you may have had in the past and grow up! Now, I don't have an issue with any of my friends, but I guess this stemmed from dealing with folks on a daily bases who are still stuck in that on being child like, helpless, can't do anything for themselves. It's sad, really. I wish some grown folks would just act right.

And then I had a blood-diamond dream. We were in Africa, the part where the diamond minds are located, and there were just diamonds everywhere! I mean strewn all across the grounds, you couldn't step anywhere without stepping on a diamond. Suddenly I'm in the gift shop (there's a gift shop in the middle of Africa), and I was picking up little trinkets to buy, when suddenly some dude in a samurai suit just starts swing his sword at me, and I almost dropped my jade elephant I wanted to get. And there were like tubs of diamonds in the middle of the shop, and I hid in one of them. The samurai dude disappeared, and I got up to leave when my brother shows up in his truck, and took me home. Yeah, what did I eat last night before I went to bed?

There were some other parts of the dream, one part that is a frequent visitor to my dream - the wonky stair cases! Seriously, it's a play off of that picture, the house filled with stairs going in every direction, some stopping just short of the floor I need to get on, others going straight into a wall. All kinds of messed up! This image shows up in my dreams often. May be it represents something I'm trying to obtain, and I fall just short of getting it. Oh, well, just wish I would stop having to jump to the next level, only to discover I should have been going downstairs rather than up.

And that, my friends, is that! Tune in Sunday, after judgement day, to see if I had an Armageddon dream. I haven't had one of those in a while. Until next time!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I've been on a long hiatus due to school and work, so I will be back soon with a plethora of dreams. More to come. Just wanted to let you all I was still thinking about you. Besides, I have forgotten the last few dreams I've had. I guess that's the whole purpose of me blogging about it because if I don't, I'll forget them. Anyway, I'll be back. I promise! Keep your shirt on, I don't want to see all of that hair. Eww!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Before I Drift Off to Sleep...

I've been so busy today, I thought I would finally sit down and discuss what happened in my mind last night. Occasionally I have dreams about the end of the world, Armageddon, the end of days, however you want to put it. The world never ends in my dreams, but they come close. For example, last night's dream was damn near close. I guess it wasn't really the end of the world, but working on getting there. Let's start with the first part, where I was with a group of friends, and we had to run through Wal-Mart to get away from a gang or something, and we ended up going through the back door of the store, looked like the loading dock (I have a lot of dreams like that, going through the back part of a store, coming out at the loading dock). But once we went out the back door, we ended up in an alley in the Bronx (yes, New York), and we walked out unto the streets, only to find ourselves on the strip in Las Vegas. Craziness, I know, but that's where we ended up. So we were walking down the street, and we had to go upstairs to this loft, where one of our professors was hanging out. All of a sudden, it got dark. We were all like what's going on, and the professor started talking in Bible verses, talking about the starts falling from the sky, angels of darkness and death were coming, and the goblins across the street were going to get us if we went out after dark. So we were like what are you talking about? We looked across the street, and there was something flashing a mirror and a light at us. We were freaking out because it was just so dark out, no stars in the sky, no moon, nothing. It was literally pitch black outside, but we were still able to see the outline of these goblins that were feeding off of the humans that were dumb enough to venture out after dark.

So we had to wait out over night in our buildings, something like safe houses for the remaining humans. We were able to get out the next day, like any other day. One of my co-workers and her husband were walking around with me. This time, we were walking down the streets of St. Louis. We spent the day shopping, having fun, but then it started getting dark. We had to hurry up back to the Regions Bank building (our loft was in there) before 7:00. Once it turned 7, the guards would lock the doors, and anyone left outside had to survive the darkness. Some homeless guy who was trying to rob my co-worker got trapped outside, and he was yelling for us to let him in, or he would kill us. We were like no! Needless to say, the goblins got to him pretty quickly.

I ended up waking up from that dream, but then going right back to sleep to start another quick dream. This time, we were at the renewal of vows ceremony for one of our choir members. It was strange because they were all being introduced like it was a play - the bride, the groom, the maid of honor, the best man. It was crazy. And then while the bride was up on the stage, renewing her vows, why was she sitting right next to me in the audience? I was like why aren't you up there? She said that was her twin sister - the girl doesn't have a twin sister, but she does have a younger sister. Anyway, my mom for some reason what just talking so loudly through the ceremony. Finally I asked her to talk softer, but that seemed to piss her off. She started screaming, yelling at everyone. Finally my brother and I had to escort her out of the sanctuary. I took her to her room, and she just kept screaming. I shook her, asked her to stop, and she looked at me like I was wrong (she actually does that sometimes, but I've never shook her - that would be death for me). After she finally calmed down, I woke up.

Now, let's go back to the first dream. Usually in my end of the world dreams, I try to make sure that everyone I care about are safe - friends, family, the usual. It was the same in this dream - had to make sure my baby was safe, brothers, mom, dad, nieces and nephew, several of my friends from high school, those I meet after high school, and so on. I swear that loft was crowded! We survived though. I guess I'm always thinking of ways to try to make sure everyone I care about is safe, thus if the world ends, everyone needs to meet me at the Regions building on Poplar. Now, if they don't have a loft, we'll just have to build one.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Little Light on the Dreams Last Night

Ironic right now that I'm watching Dora the Explorer with my pumpkin, and they are talking about the dream fairy. I would have needed her last night because I didn't dream about much last night. Basically Kayla and I were hanging out with some of my church members, singing and dancing, and Kayla kept trying to destroy my homework. So not cool, kid! Other than that, nothing much happened in my dream last night.

I guess I could talk about some other dreams that I've had. Right now, I can remember bits and pieces of dreams I've had several years ago. One that really comes to mind is the ones I had about Kayla - well, sort of because I had the dream several years before I had her. I was in a car accident and I was in a coma for several years. When I woke up, I saw my niece holding this little girl that looked just like me. I was like wow, of course my niece would have a child that looks like her aunt. Nothing out of the ordinary because I look a little like my aunt(s). Well, my niece told me this little girl was my child, not her's. I was like how? I didn't know I was pregnant when I had the accident. Now all of a sudden I have this little girl. She was such a little doll! I had several dreams like that in the months that followed. When I found out I was pregnant, my dad told me I was having a girl. Grant it I was only 8 weeks pregnant, so how would he know. Needless to say, I have a little girl, and she looks just like the little girl in my dream. I do believe that some dreams a premonitions, but that's just me. May be there are others out there that think the same, but I thought it was fascinating that this little girl that's in my life right now, I meet her in a dream.

Enough with the mushy, I will try to have something better tomorrow. If not, I will write about some other dreams I've had - like the one with the tornado that was nothing but a column of hair, or the dream I have about Summer Avenue is this huge bridge, almost shaped like a roller coaster. Man, I have a lot of crazy dreams. Oh, yeah, I think I'll talk about the one I told my boyfriend about the other night. That one was crazy. But now, I must go - my dream baby has an appointment.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Last Night's Collage

Well, last night I had a myriad of dreams that ranged from weird to almost normal. Let’s begin with the first one, where I think I was cheating on my dream boyfriend with my real boyfriend, but the real boyfriend was Ben Stiller in the dream. Side note: some of my dreams may have a celebrity or two in them, so just deal with it.

So I was dating a friend of mine – an actual real life friend of mine, but he will remain nameless to keep him from being embarrass, knowing that he haunts my dreams. Anyway, he was a real jealous type, always doting over me, but not liking the fact that I had other male friends. So what do I do but go and get a roommate, who happened to be a guy, which the boyfriend didn’t like. I mean why couldn’t I be roommates with the boyfriend (that was the question I was asking myself when I was seeing all of this)? Anyway, we ended up doing bad things to each other, and the boyfriend didn’t know about it until one morning, he came knocking on the door. We were rushing to get dressed when suddenly, he opens the door, all sad faced and everything. I felt bad, and then I woke up. That was a pretty short dream. I Didn’t like that dream at all.

The next one I can remember, again with the weird, just a tiny bit of it was a take off the movie “Secretary”. Some little guy was trying to be all bossy, trying to audition me to be his live in assistant. He wanted to test me, to see if I would do what he said without any argument. For some reason, he wanted me to cut his hair. He had such pretty hair, and I didn’t want to cut it. But I did, and all of a sudden, dude turned into a chick. She wanted me to come live with her, and help her break up with her boyfriend. There was no real reason for her wanting to break up with him, other than she was selfish and didn’t want to spend her money (actually, her parent’s money – millionaires or something, didn’t really get into all of that). He was such a sweet guy – apparently she talked a lot about him, and in my mind, I was saying “But he’s such a sweet guy, don’t do it”. So as we were leaving her office, I was trying to think of a way to turn down her request. Suddenly we’re inside Raleigh Springs Mall, and it was all nice and neat. It actually had a Macy’s inside of it! I remember I wanted to go and try on some of the dresses that were in the window, but the lady wouldn’t let me. She wanted to continue to talk about her plan to break up with her boyfriend. Then we saw a bunch of couples running around doing some sort of scavenger hunt. It was a bunch of engaged couples that were competing to find some items that pertained to weddings, and the first couple to get all of the items would win the wedding of their dreams. This one couple, they were ruthless. I mean tearing up kiosks throughout the mall, yelling at folks, it was crazy!

The remaining dreams were just a bunch of clips of me flying, hiding in supply closets from big girls trying to hire me to be their assistants, and trying to hide from the boyfriend in the first dream. I eventually woke up, but ended up going back to sleep and picking back up with the first dream. This time, the roommate and I were fighting over who would get to use the shower first. After a few hand slaps and towel pops, I beat him to the shower. Now I didn’t get the chance to take a shower because I was finally awakened by the alarm clock.

Honestly, I don’t know why I have dreams like this, but I have them. I really do believe that some of the dreams are brought on either by what I’ve seen during the day, like walking around Jo Ann’s yesterday and seeing some bridal magazine with the ugliest dress I’d ever seen, or what I've eaten before heading to bed, like that nice yummy donut. I would have thought that I would have dreamed about a dragon after seeing this really horrible movie Saturday night, or watching Narnia last night. But no, I dream about a friend I haven’t seen in a while, Ben Stiller, and some crazy girl I don’t even know. It’s funny, I can dream about people I’ve never met. My imagination runs a little wild sometimes. Oh, but wait, there is more to come! Hope you all stick around to see what else I can conjure up.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What Dreams May Come...In My Mind!

I am in no way, shape, or form a dream expert. I just have a lot of dreams where I can remember them in great detail the following morning. I have the tendency of telling my boyfriend about them whenever I get up the next day, or during dinner. He finds it very entertaining that I can recall the dreams so well. It's just that I can recall some parts of it because those parts are, well, memorable. For example, my very first dream that I can remember was when I was in Germany (actually West Germany), I was probably 4 or may be younger, and I had a dream that I was being chased by Darth Vadar and Luke Skywalker, running around our apartment complex. It was strange and so vivid, like it was just yesterday. So at the request of my lovely boyfriend, I decided to go ahead and create a blog based on my dreams!

Let's go ahead and start with last night's dream: If you know me, and hopefully some of my friends are reading this, I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I am anxiously anticipating the release of part 1 of part 7 of the Harry Potter movie on DVD and part 2 in the theatres in July. Well, with all of the excitement, I wasn't surprised that I had a dream about part 2. Now it's not like I don't know what happens in part 2, but I don't know what it would look like on the screen, so queue my dream and my interpretation. Please be advised that this is in no way a spoiler to the books or movies, for those of you who have not read or seen part 7 yet.

Harry, Hermione and Ron are on the last leg of finding something to destroy Voldemort, so they have to get through a mall outside of Atlanta to get to Peachtree Street, where the final showdown will take place. So I'm following them, helping them out, and the guy who played Ed Rooney in Ferris Buller's Day Off (Jeffrey Jones - I blame the boyfriend for putting that movie into my head), was some sort of ghost trying to help direct them onto the right path. So we're rushing to get down the escalator, and out the door, but we were blocked by some chick who was trying to stop us from destroying Voldemort. We got passed her, and we were running through the parking lot when Tisha Campbell (My Wife & Kids, Martin, and other shows) was standing out in the parking lot, screaming about she got her ticket to go downtown on the MARTA, and Ron was like do we need a ticket, and I was like yeah, not a ticket, but a coin. We didn't even go get the coin, so we just started running through neighborhoods, trying to avoid being seen by Voldemort's followers. We start running down one of the side streets close to Peachtree, and Harry ends up tripping and twisting his ankle. I'm like dang it, we've got to wrap his leg, Hermione wanted to get him to a hospital, but that would mean him being recognized and us all getting caught. Then some dude who was a tattoo artist found us, helped me carry him to some secret building where there were Harry Potter supporters, and we wrapped his leg. The ghost of Principal Rooney comes back, and points us to the right direction on Peachtree to meet up with Voldemort so that we can finally destroy him. The whole batch of Death Eaters and those who were backing Harry Potter were there. Before we could start fighting, I was awaken by my mini me.

Now, I'm not looking for any type of interpretations in any way, but if you think you can interpret this mess, be my guest. I hope to continue this. May be in some way this will be therapeutic. It would help to get a lot of stuff off my mind. But this is just the beginning. It's going to get weird from this point on.