Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Before I Drift Off to Sleep...

I've been so busy today, I thought I would finally sit down and discuss what happened in my mind last night. Occasionally I have dreams about the end of the world, Armageddon, the end of days, however you want to put it. The world never ends in my dreams, but they come close. For example, last night's dream was damn near close. I guess it wasn't really the end of the world, but working on getting there. Let's start with the first part, where I was with a group of friends, and we had to run through Wal-Mart to get away from a gang or something, and we ended up going through the back door of the store, looked like the loading dock (I have a lot of dreams like that, going through the back part of a store, coming out at the loading dock). But once we went out the back door, we ended up in an alley in the Bronx (yes, New York), and we walked out unto the streets, only to find ourselves on the strip in Las Vegas. Craziness, I know, but that's where we ended up. So we were walking down the street, and we had to go upstairs to this loft, where one of our professors was hanging out. All of a sudden, it got dark. We were all like what's going on, and the professor started talking in Bible verses, talking about the starts falling from the sky, angels of darkness and death were coming, and the goblins across the street were going to get us if we went out after dark. So we were like what are you talking about? We looked across the street, and there was something flashing a mirror and a light at us. We were freaking out because it was just so dark out, no stars in the sky, no moon, nothing. It was literally pitch black outside, but we were still able to see the outline of these goblins that were feeding off of the humans that were dumb enough to venture out after dark.

So we had to wait out over night in our buildings, something like safe houses for the remaining humans. We were able to get out the next day, like any other day. One of my co-workers and her husband were walking around with me. This time, we were walking down the streets of St. Louis. We spent the day shopping, having fun, but then it started getting dark. We had to hurry up back to the Regions Bank building (our loft was in there) before 7:00. Once it turned 7, the guards would lock the doors, and anyone left outside had to survive the darkness. Some homeless guy who was trying to rob my co-worker got trapped outside, and he was yelling for us to let him in, or he would kill us. We were like no! Needless to say, the goblins got to him pretty quickly.

I ended up waking up from that dream, but then going right back to sleep to start another quick dream. This time, we were at the renewal of vows ceremony for one of our choir members. It was strange because they were all being introduced like it was a play - the bride, the groom, the maid of honor, the best man. It was crazy. And then while the bride was up on the stage, renewing her vows, why was she sitting right next to me in the audience? I was like why aren't you up there? She said that was her twin sister - the girl doesn't have a twin sister, but she does have a younger sister. Anyway, my mom for some reason what just talking so loudly through the ceremony. Finally I asked her to talk softer, but that seemed to piss her off. She started screaming, yelling at everyone. Finally my brother and I had to escort her out of the sanctuary. I took her to her room, and she just kept screaming. I shook her, asked her to stop, and she looked at me like I was wrong (she actually does that sometimes, but I've never shook her - that would be death for me). After she finally calmed down, I woke up.

Now, let's go back to the first dream. Usually in my end of the world dreams, I try to make sure that everyone I care about are safe - friends, family, the usual. It was the same in this dream - had to make sure my baby was safe, brothers, mom, dad, nieces and nephew, several of my friends from high school, those I meet after high school, and so on. I swear that loft was crowded! We survived though. I guess I'm always thinking of ways to try to make sure everyone I care about is safe, thus if the world ends, everyone needs to meet me at the Regions building on Poplar. Now, if they don't have a loft, we'll just have to build one.

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