Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I don't like bugs!

I may not remember my dream from last night, but I remember the one(s) from a couple of nights ago. So have you seen the movie "Ransom", with Mel Gibson, Gary Sinise, Donnie Wahlberg, yada yada yada? Well, for some reason, I condensed a two hour movie into may be a few seconds...and last night's dream, or part of it, just popped into my head! Anyway, I dreamed about the movie "Ransom", and the girl, the one who helped kidnap the kid, she was meaner in my dream than what she was in the movie. It was strange. Donnie was all like "I ain't killing no kid - that wasn't a part of the plan!" And the dude that played his brother was the same way - you know, the guy who played Cotton Weary, in the Scream movies, Liev Schreiber. Man, I think I watch way too many movies.

Anyway, another part of my dream took place on this island. It was like a retirement community, or almost like a Key West, FL, looking place. I don't know. All I know is that it was on the beach, it had a golf course, and it was beautiful. Deserted, but beautiful. I was on this cruise with a bunch of folks, and Jeff Goldblum was there. I don't know about you, but anything with Jeff Goldblum spells trouble. So we dock at this island, we are admiring the view and everything, and noticed that there were no people around. Cars empty, houses empty, no one playing golf. We all kept walking inland, and the men were like "Well, let's go back to the beach and see if there is anything there to help us out, give us some clues to this mysterious island". So they all leave, and the rest of us continue to look around, go into the shops, and no one is around. Suddenly we see the men running back from the beach, shouting. We were all like what's going on, then as they got closer, we could hear this rustling sound, almost like little feet pounding on the ground. The men were actually telling us all to run, and we saw one guy go down and was immediately covered by bugs. They looked like beetles, just eating folks up. We all ran, hid in cars and houses, covering up cracks in the doors and windows.

After they finished off a couple of the people who were with us, the bugs went back into the water. We discovered the secret of the island - the water gods were sending the bugs up for the sacrifice that was promised to them every three months. When the other people were either wiped out or escaped, the gods got angry, and plotted to lure folks to the island. Well, we had to think of a way to get rid of the water gods and the bugs, and one lady had killed off her bug with fire. Even when it went back into the water, it still died because the water wasn't really water, it was some kind of poisonous substance. Mixed with fire, it made things worse. So that was the plan: build something bigger than matches and a lighter that would set all of the bugs on fires, and some how surround the water with it. Before we could move forward with the plan, I woke up.

So that was basically what I dreamed about a few nights ago. Last night's dream, well, consisted of me wondering around my old elementary school, yet again. That's about two nights in a row, really. I'm getting tired of having to go back to that school. NOW I REMEMBER! Last night dream was all about school. I had a dream that I was running late for school, and I was trying to drop some of my co-workers off so that they could get to their class on time, and I was late because I was trying to park the car, and it wouldn't park straight. Then when I finally did get the car parked, I went inside and I had to take a math test - some freaky, out of this world type of math. Not your basic addition and multiplication, but some quantum physics and algorithms crap. I guess it was some form of anxiety for today - I start my residency for my graduate program this afternoon. It shouldn't be that hard, but goodness! That dream freaked me out a bit. No wonder I was trying to forget it. Well, that is all!

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