Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Three, three, three dreams in one!

Now that the storms have passed, I can get on here and try to blog about the dreams I've had for the past three nights. First, the 50's Pin-up dream:

So I had this dream that I was Annette Funicello, and Marilyn Monroe and I was competing in a talent show and a beauty queen contest. Well, I won the talent show, so I opted out to not compete in the beauty queen contest against Marilyn, which made her happy because she thought she was going to lose against me. Well, the judges of the contest convinced me to enter anyway, and I did. So we're competing, and she wished she was me because I was young and talented, and I wished I was her because she was so beautiful, and we ended up switching bodies for a bit. I think eventually we switched back, but I can't remember, so on to the next part of the dream.

So a friend of mine just recently got married, and I had a dream that she and her wife (yes, I said her wife) we stationed in Georgia because one of them was in the Army (actually neither of them are in the military). Anyway, she was driving this car that had to be parked next to a wall or some flat surface because in order to get in, you would have to punch in a code that would reflect onto the flat surface when you clicked on the keys. Well, one day, me and two of our other friends were driving the car, and she called and asked us to come back to the house because she just got orders that she was being stationed in Colorado. Well, the guys had forgotten the code, but I didn't (it was 234, very simple). For some reason, they were typing in complex algorithms or something. We eventually got in, and started driving back to my friends house when one of the guys that was riding with us tried to kiss him. I was like nuh uh because his boyfriend would get mad, and my boyfriend would toss him out of the car. That was a weird part of the dream.

The next dream: Vampire Live Action Games!

So this one is going to be short because I can only remember a portion of it. I had a dream what I was a character in a video game. I was fighting vampires - I was a werewolf, so guess who my favorite Twilight character is? Anyway, I'm trying to defeat this chick, who so happens to be this girl from high school who is currently upset at me right now. Anyway, I was fighting them, and then suddenly I ended up in a bathroom, fighting her, and one of her friends, and some old hillbilly guy. I guess I need to go ahead and finish my book I'm writing. I don't remember much about the dream, except continuously going around and around the corner to fight vampires. So I woke up. That's about it with that dream.

Finally, Attack of the Aliens at Raleigh Station Apartments!

So I had another dream, about being in my old apartments, and we were again, being attacked by aliens. This time, they were setting the apartments on fire with lasers and stuff. The only was to hide was to be on the bottom floor. They burned out the apartments to the right of us, and the guys that lived on the left of us were almost trapped in their apartment, but they got away. The lady downstairs with her kids were a lot of fun, kept us entertained. Finally the aliens got out of their ships, and they tried to fight us. We, of course, defeated them. But the apartments were destroyed. That kind of sucked because I wanted to go swimming, but we had to move because the apartments were being condemned.

So that's about all I have for now. Let's see what tonight will bring me...hmmm, dreams of Harry Potter? I'm actually reading book #7 for the hundredth time - not really, but I have ready it several times. There are times when I dream about how the movie will play out, and it's completely opposite from what I've read. Yeah, I'm worse than the directors, putting in stuff that's not even in the books. But my movie was way better! I can't wait for Deathly Hallows 7.2! WOO HOO! So good night everybody!

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