Thursday, June 16, 2011

Diabetes - Don't Like It!

I was telling mom about my dream from last night. My supervisor and I were talking about diabetes, and how it's running rampant through our families. I guess that discussion lead on into my dream. I had a dream that my mom's diabetes developed to the point where she was on dialysis. If you have never known anyone with diabetes, and they had to go through dialysis, believe me, it is something that you do not want to go through. My late grandmother and uncle had to have dialysis, and one more uncle and an aunt has to have it done several times a week. Luckily for me, I have not had any issues...well, I can't say that. I have the opposite problem - my sugar levels are too low at times. Oh, the fun! Anyway, mom was on dialysis, and she was just a mean lady. Reminded me of my aunt. She's not too mean, but she can be evil. That was my mom in this dream. We were trying to change out the bags (can't remember what they are called), but she was just arguing with everyone. My brothers, me, the nurse, everyone! Finally, she was healed, and she wanted to go out and party. I'm like WHAT? Woman, get your butt back in that bed and rest. Just because you're healed of the disease does not give you the right to get out and act a fool! Needless to say, she didn't listen, went out, it started raining, and she got sick. Good thing the diabetes didn't come back, but she had a nasty cold - I think that popped up because my pumpkin was sick last night and was coughing.

I think there was a part of my dream where I was at a drive-in, and we had to do something to get everyone out before it closed. Don't know what was going to happen after closing, but in my dreams, I don't like it when it gets dark and it's night time. Things happen, and it is pretty bad what happens in those dreams. I think I woke up before I got into an argument with someone.

That kind of irks me a little - I'm about to cuss someone out, but I end up waking up before I do it. I guess it curbs my anger if I wake up before it happens. But then again, I'm still angry because I start cussing out this imaginary person while I'm waking up. It kind of sucks.

Other than that, no other dreams. I'm at home with the pumpkin today because she has a double ear infection - no cold, but she's got a fever, and I don't like it! So ta ta for now! Sweet dreams!

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