Friday, October 28, 2011

My Dreams Be Weird, Yo!

So last night, I had this dream that I was at my grandmother's house, playing with some Legos. For some reason, my bridge that I built from the dresser to grandma's bed would not stay up! I mean I pretended to have the Lego people walk across the bridge, but it just kept falling apart. So finally I decided to have the Lego nurse fly across in the medi-copter - upside down. Suddenly we were in our old house, but it was in mid-town (the house we lived in when we lived in South Memphis). Really, it was a nice house, just that the neighborhood sucked. Anyway, the house was in a cove, on a hill, and some guys tried to rob the place. Then this giant hamburger came out of nowhere with a Muppet inside of it. It looked like Janice, and something ended up eating her and the backside of the burger. We tracked it down to the guys that tried to rob us earlier, who was trapped in the back yard by Charlie, my little Pomeranian. They thought they could get away by jumping over the fence, but she jumped right behind them and got to them. The dream ended with Charlie barking at the guys as they tried to drive away.

Some of my other dreams consisted of my family packing up to head on vacation. I think we need to go on a vacation. I say we go on a cruise, so what do you think? Sounds like a plan. Anyway, going to go to bed. Later gators!

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