Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Wish Heaven Was Like This!

Before I forget about this dream, I've got to tell you all about it. What if heave was just an invisible doorway that was always in front of us, but like I said, it was invisible? Well, I had this dream that I was like a guide for people who were dying and were on their way to heaven. Only problem was I had to die initially to be the guide. No, I wasn't the angel of death. Death was like my boss or something, so when he was busy, I would take on some of his work load. So a friend of mine was on the list to die, and this kind of hurt me because I knew this person, so for her to see me come and get her, it would be like whoa! So I went to her place of work and I told her it was time to go. She was like go where...wait a minute, aren't you dead? I told her yes, I was, and it was time to go. She tried to fight it. She kept running pass the opening, and I was like dang it, you've got to go! I had to finally convince her that everything was going to be okay, and that dying wasn't all that bad. Sure, you wouldn't be able to see a lot of people you know, but you can still watch over them - like me, and my child. I mean I had to leave her here on earth, and that was a heart wrenching thing to do. What was cool though was that she was able to see me, so I got to watch over her as she grew up! That rocked! Anyway, back to my friend. We finally got her into heaven, she got acclimated to the situation, almost like an orientation for dead folks, and she was good to go.

Then it got weird. The cast of Moesha was next in line, so I had to bring up Brandy, Countess Vaughn, after she had her car accident, and someone else. Shar Jackson, however, didn't get to come to heaven. She killed herself, so she went to the other place. Well, before she went to hell, she called Countess on her phone and was like "Why did you all leave me here alone? I have no one to talk to!" I was really creepy. It got really messed up when she killed herself, and she went to hell. She kept calling folks, was all kinds of mean to people, trying to haunt folks. She got out of line when she tried to haunt my child. I got ghetto fabulous on her ass and had to set her straight. Then we all thought about an intervention of some sort to get her back on the lord's good graces. I don't know about you, but it was easy to get her out of hell. She calmed down, saw the things she was doing, that she was hurting other people, and she repented. So after that, we were sitting in a powwow session, and Jesus walks in. Jesus is 6'5, you guys, so he was pretty tall. And he was fist bumping folks, so he was trying to be cool and hip. I had to tell him he was being a dork, so please act natural and not try to act like one of the young kids. That was old. Anyway, that part of the dream ended when I flew down in my cloud mobile (yes, like the care bears), and I got to rock my pumpkin to sleep. I didn't dare haunt mama - she was already crazy enough with me being gone, so what do you think would happen, your child is dead and is now talking to you from the beyond? Well, Kayla didn't tell anyone about it because she didn't want to be seen as crazy either, but it was a cool thing to be able to communicate with her.

After that dream, it moved to my alien attack dream. So the dude from Twilight (no, not Robert Pattison, or however it's spelled, the one that plays Emit, he was in Prom Night and the new Nightmare on Elm Street, don't feel like looking it up on IMDB), he was knocking at our door at our old apartment, asking to get in. My mama was like "Looks like tornado weather, let them in!" So I did, and yes, there was a tornado on its way, but it was no regular tornado. It was a spaceship, and the alien controlling it was Godzilla. So I see Godzilla stomping down Jackson Avenue, and then the little aliens it was carrying, like those things in Cloverfield, yeah, they came running up the street, and we had to close our doors and lock ourselves inside for a while. We never got back out of the apartment. I think because I woke up before we could figure anything out.

So that was my jumbled up mess. How about you? What did you dream about last night? Hope it was good! Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. That heaven dream was creepy awesome!!!! That could be a movie!!
