Okay, so the main reason, I believe, that I haven't been able to blog about any of my dreams is because it has been pretty difficult to try to remember any of them. They're all scattered all over the place, pieces here and there, it's a mess! Do you know that it took me crossing over Summer at Waring this morning to figure out my dream from last night? Yeah, I couldn't remember a thing about it. And just now, I remembered there were other parts of the dream, but I think those parts happened during the snoozing session. Anyway, on to the dream, or at least what I can remember.
So, I have a group of friends from high school that I still keep in touch with, not just through social media, but people I have known for years. I guess this dream happened because I was talking about them yesterday. Anyway, one of them was pregnant (she's not anymore, the baby is a few months old now). We were all vacationing at this little cottage on the beach, and she had been playing pranks on everyone, and we were like, someone has to get her back! Well, some folks came up with the idea of scaring her one night when she went out on the porch. I thought it was a bad idea, being that she's pregnant, and she'll probably get emotional or something. Well, needless to say, my opinion was vetoed and they went ahead with the plan. My friend Brandon (his actual name is Chris, but he, for some reason now, goes by Brandon) was going to be the one to scare her. So she's out on the porch, listening to nature, when suddenly the porch light went out. She started shouting "Turn the light back on, I'm still out here", but nothing happened. Then all of the lights in the house went off, and she started freaking out. She got up out of the chair, and Brandon comes around the corner and scoops her up. She's starts screaming and yelling for help, swinging her arms and punching at him. Well, he puts her down and goes "It's just me, calm down!" She didn't. She's still screaming, talking about it wasn't funny, how dare he do that to her, that was mean, and all of this junk, forgetting about all of the pranks she pulled on everyone else while on vacation. Well, he kept trying to get her to calm down, and she just started punching the crap out of him. Now this guy is pretty big, and Ash, we'll, she's taller than I am, but she's probably about 5'7 to his 6'0 or so. But she managed to do some damage, and even pulled out some of his hair. Well, we all decided to go out there and try to help calm her down, and she was like "They would have never approved of this." Well, everyone was in on it, and that just set her off even more. She started going off on folks, trying to fight people. She even tried to fight one of my friends, who is a black belt in Tae Kwan Do. Yeah, she was that upset. We all tried to calm her down, and some chick, I guess a former co-worker of hers because I had never seen her before, was trying to help us, and Ash pushed her. The woman pushed Ash back, which caused me to jump off the porch and put the woman in a headlock. No matter what, never put your hands on a pregnant woman. That's just disrespectful! I remember telling her that and told her to go on home. Then I got everyone together and just went off. I was like I told you all not to do this, but no, you didn't want to listen. I like to have fun as much as the next person, but come on! And then I went off on Ash, telling her she only got back what she was dishing out, and if she couldn't take it, don't do it anymore!
All of that just to say to myself that some folks are still stuck in a juvenile mentality! We are all still kids at heart, but there are times when we all need to grow up! These stupid antics and attitudes are getting old, so get over whatever issues you may have had in the past and grow up! Now, I don't have an issue with any of my friends, but I guess this stemmed from dealing with folks on a daily bases who are still stuck in that on being child like, helpless, can't do anything for themselves. It's sad, really. I wish some grown folks would just act right.
And then I had a blood-diamond dream. We were in Africa, the part where the diamond minds are located, and there were just diamonds everywhere! I mean strewn all across the grounds, you couldn't step anywhere without stepping on a diamond. Suddenly I'm in the gift shop (there's a gift shop in the middle of Africa), and I was picking up little trinkets to buy, when suddenly some dude in a samurai suit just starts swing his sword at me, and I almost dropped my jade elephant I wanted to get. And there were like tubs of diamonds in the middle of the shop, and I hid in one of them. The samurai dude disappeared, and I got up to leave when my brother shows up in his truck, and took me home. Yeah, what did I eat last night before I went to bed?
There were some other parts of the dream, one part that is a frequent visitor to my dream - the wonky stair cases! Seriously, it's a play off of that picture, the house filled with stairs going in every direction, some stopping just short of the floor I need to get on, others going straight into a wall. All kinds of messed up! This image shows up in my dreams often. May be it represents something I'm trying to obtain, and I fall just short of getting it. Oh, well, just wish I would stop having to jump to the next level, only to discover I should have been going downstairs rather than up.
And that, my friends, is that! Tune in Sunday, after judgement day, to see if I had an Armageddon dream. I haven't had one of those in a while. Until next time!
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