Sunday, May 22, 2011

Random, but it has a point!

Have you ever had a dream where your mouth was filled with gunk, and you're trying to get it out, but it's just not all coming out? Well, I have that dream often, and the other night, I had that dream. For some reason, whatever this stuff was, it just wasn't coming out! I had the GRAND idea to try to pull out as much as I could, and just cut the rest out. Well, I did that, and ended up cutting off part of my tongue. I couldn't speak for a while, my tongue was all crooked, but it soon healed itself. Just that I was trying to prevent my tongue from bleeding so badly. So note to self: If I even get anything stuck in my mouth, do not use sharp objects to get them out, or I'll bleed.

Another reoccurance, I don't think that's a word, that happens in my dreams is that the dreams sometimes take place at the apartment complex I lived in for a majority of my elementary/jr. high school days - the Raleigh Station Apartments. I guess it's because I had a lot of fun living there, especially since my cousins lived right across the street from us. So, if it's not aliens about to attack us and land in the play area behind us, it's seeing tornadoes form to the south of us going towards Mississippi, coming to pick up our entire apartment. Seeing people surf in the ditch next to the complex, ending at the back field that runs behind it, or leaving the complex to get to my old high school, I mean I have a lot of dreams about that apartment complex. Last night was no different. I had a dream that the back part of the complex near the pool flooded, and right in front where we parked was flooded, so my friends, who drove this huge Dodge Ram, had to drop me off at the apartment. Speaking of Dodge rams, I had a dream once where I had traded in my old eclipse for a black Dodge Ram, and my brother took it from me. Two years later I get a text message from my mom, telling me that my brother just got a new truck, and guess what it was? A black Dodge Ram! I had a dream about that thing, and it's currently sitting in our garage now! Now, if only I could dream about the Powerball numbers, and remember them when I wake up!

So that's about it. I had to fight with my 2 year old to get her to take a nap. She's finally down for the count, so I guess I'll try to go to sleep while she's napping. Until later!

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