Monday, October 10, 2011

I've missed my dream boat!

Dear Dream Readers,

I have not forgotten about you all. I have been quite the busy little bumble bee, with classes, and of course, having some really vivid dreams, but I have not been able to document the wonderful things that go through my brain. Fortunately for you all, I will talk about a few of them. Unfortunately, it will be the short, short version.

Dream 1 - So last night, I had a dream about a house that my sweet man and I saw, in reality. It's an absolutely gorgeous house that if we had the money, we'd buy it in a heartbeat. But unfortunately, it costs about as much as about 5 houses put together, and it's about as big as my parent's house, with one extra bedroom. Anyway, I dreamed we got the house, but for some reason, John Travolta, in his "Welcome Back Carter" get up was trying to get some kids he was babysitting to brush their teeth, and he did, but he managed to get them to use the toilet water. See they were asleep and dreaming that they were in the bathroom using the sink, but they were hypnotized and were using the toilet. When they woke up, they saw that they were using the toilet instead. Needless to say, they felt sick.

Then my child was running around the house, a head full of hair that needed to be combed, but she would not sit still long enough so that I could do it. That was a part of the John Travolta dream with the kids brushing their teeth - everyone was getting ready for school. When we all woke up from being hypnotized, my child's hair was normal - short and easy to manage.

Then, we were at my mama's house. For some reason she had these black tiny wormy things that were all over the house and in the carpet. They were about the size of fleas, but they were worms. We had to bomb the house with bug bombs, and kill them all off. They were everywhere - clinging to folks like leaches. It was horrible!

Dream 2 - this was the fun dream. I had a dream what I was on The Apprentice. I don't think I talked about this one, so here we go. So it was the girls against guys. Me and my friend Ketha - my editor - were on the girls' team, and my man, along with his boy Chris, Justin Timberlake, Rupert Grint, and Daniel Radcliffe were a part of the guys's team. There were others, but these were the ones that were recognized. The first task was to created a model sized house with decorations for the front yard. we had to use the materials given to us. We had some stuff from Garden Ridge - wreaths, broom sticks, Popsicle sticks, etc. Well, I decided that our group would take the wreaths, fluff them out to look like tree tops, and put them on the broom sticks. The Popsicle sticks were used to build the house. The guys straight up copied my idea.

When we were almost finished, I noticed one of my trees was missing a top. One of the girls tried to hide it, but I found out that the guys had taken one of the wreaths and hid it. I managed to get it and fix the tree before Trump called time. When he saw that we both had the same design, he was like who came up with the idea first. I wanted to say me, but I didn't want to seem like I was tattling. I went ahead and said I did, and we won the game because of course, he knew I did.

Well, the game went on, and me and Ketha made it to the top 5 girls, and Chris, Richard, Rupert, Justin, and Danie were the top 5 guys. The girls had to sell a product to an executive, and we sold animal crackers. We dressed up in outfits I made, and we were convincing enough that he agreed to work with us. The guys sold beer that they had made. The executives also liked their idea. Unfortunately one guy and one girl had to go - Ketha was eliminated, and so was my Richard. I was a sad lady!

Fast forward to the end, it was me against Justin Timberlake. A few months before the finally I had given birth to our son - we had a boy, yes. Dear, Lord, PLEASE do not take me saying I had a boy as meaning I am ready for another one. I love my little pumpkin, but she is enough for now. Also, I had finished my degree, so I was Dr. so and so! Anyway, He asked what we were going to do with our winnings, and I talked about opening up an advising center for kids in the midsouth that wanted advice about applying to and enrolling in school - a center open to all students in the area. I, of course, won the prize and I became famous!

Other dreams consisted of preparing for our impending doom. Oh, we had an earthquake and we had to prepare for the final one that would take out the whole planet. Forget getting on ships to sail us to a new coast - we got onto ships that sailed us to new and better planets!

So that's about it. I cannot hold my eyes open any longer. So on that note, good night!

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