Sunday, July 31, 2011

Three Dreams in One Day!

I actually didn't have three dreams in one day, but I am going to try to talk about the three dreams I had in the last few days. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the...never mind, just remembered it.

I'm going to work backwards from last night's dream to the one a could of nights ago. It took me all day to remember this one. Last night, I had a dream that I was a high school teacher and counselor. It was the first day of school, and I just knew that things were going to be a little crazy for the day. I mean I had just gotten back from a vacation in San Diego with my boyfriend, and we had to spend most of the vacation ducking for cover due to some emergency that never really showed up. Anyway, I was going around, introducing myself to the new teachers and ran into some guy who said he knew me. I didn't know the guy, yet he was insistent. Said that I went to school with him at some university that I never attended. Even after I told him that I didn't attend that school, he thought he knew me. The reason why he knew me to follow.

So after the school day ended, all of the teachers and administrative staff came together in the main office to discuss the day's events. While we were doing that, I noticed a drawing on the wall. It looked eerily familiar to me, which in turn made the teacher from earlier tell me why he remembered me. It was from a former life, he was a friend of mine, and he remembered my aunt, who was some evil witch. Oh, man, I was supposedly a witch in my former life - it finally dawned on me who this guy was, and who my aunt was. Stinking Harry Potter has finally invaded my dream after the final movie - I was the niece of Bellatrix LeStrange! OMG! Anyway, the painting started moving, the guy in the photo was screaming at me, calling me evil, all of the teachers and the principal was screaming, not understanding what was going on. I had to calm everyone down, told the teacher to be quiet, and reassured them that I was no longer a witch...except, I was. Powers were dormant. Apparently there was so much noise going throughout the school, someone called the police. They were banging on the doors of the school, and I told one of the new teachers exactly what to tell the police, and they would go away. Well, dude didn't do what I told him, and the police rushed into the office. So I had to cast a spell on all of them, which made them all go away...except for one guy named Jacob. Apparently Jacob worked with my aunt, had a crush on me back in the day, and was pissed that I didn't return the feelings. Oh, well, deal with it, man, I don't want you. He did, however, give me the creeps, and I eventually made him go away. He threatened to return, so we were all in trouble for future encounters. Well, this could possible be a book, for me. My book, not yours. Don't steal this. Well, except the Bellatrix deal. That's not mine, that's JK!

Now, the night before, I kept reaming that I would wake up and go to the door of the hotel room I was in, and looking out the door. Whenever I would go out the door, I would meet up with some folks from church and I came up with a really pretty gospel song. I just wish I could have remembered the tune and how it went. I mean it was lovely! What's funny is that before I went to bed on Friday, I put the latch across the top of the door. When I got ready to leave, the latch was not covered. I knew I kept hearing things in that room. I think I was sleep walking or something. It was weird.

Finally, the alien dream. I kept dreaming about alien monkeys trying to take over the planet. We got help from all kinds of people - former attorneys I used to work with, new associates and interns to the old firm, and Tim Robbins. I was hilarious! We finally defeated the evil monkeys, after many attempts by all of us, the attorneys, who were moving into their offices with bedroom furniture. Yes, bedroom furniture. Big giant king sized beds, dressers, all kinds of furniture that would go into a bedroom, and not an office in a law firm.

So that's about it on my end. I will try to write more often. Let's hope I don't forget my dreams in the coming days. Thank you!

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