Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Little Light on the Dreams Last Night

Ironic right now that I'm watching Dora the Explorer with my pumpkin, and they are talking about the dream fairy. I would have needed her last night because I didn't dream about much last night. Basically Kayla and I were hanging out with some of my church members, singing and dancing, and Kayla kept trying to destroy my homework. So not cool, kid! Other than that, nothing much happened in my dream last night.

I guess I could talk about some other dreams that I've had. Right now, I can remember bits and pieces of dreams I've had several years ago. One that really comes to mind is the ones I had about Kayla - well, sort of because I had the dream several years before I had her. I was in a car accident and I was in a coma for several years. When I woke up, I saw my niece holding this little girl that looked just like me. I was like wow, of course my niece would have a child that looks like her aunt. Nothing out of the ordinary because I look a little like my aunt(s). Well, my niece told me this little girl was my child, not her's. I was like how? I didn't know I was pregnant when I had the accident. Now all of a sudden I have this little girl. She was such a little doll! I had several dreams like that in the months that followed. When I found out I was pregnant, my dad told me I was having a girl. Grant it I was only 8 weeks pregnant, so how would he know. Needless to say, I have a little girl, and she looks just like the little girl in my dream. I do believe that some dreams a premonitions, but that's just me. May be there are others out there that think the same, but I thought it was fascinating that this little girl that's in my life right now, I meet her in a dream.

Enough with the mushy, I will try to have something better tomorrow. If not, I will write about some other dreams I've had - like the one with the tornado that was nothing but a column of hair, or the dream I have about Summer Avenue is this huge bridge, almost shaped like a roller coaster. Man, I have a lot of crazy dreams. Oh, yeah, I think I'll talk about the one I told my boyfriend about the other night. That one was crazy. But now, I must go - my dream baby has an appointment.

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