Monday, April 11, 2011

Last Night's Collage

Well, last night I had a myriad of dreams that ranged from weird to almost normal. Let’s begin with the first one, where I think I was cheating on my dream boyfriend with my real boyfriend, but the real boyfriend was Ben Stiller in the dream. Side note: some of my dreams may have a celebrity or two in them, so just deal with it.

So I was dating a friend of mine – an actual real life friend of mine, but he will remain nameless to keep him from being embarrass, knowing that he haunts my dreams. Anyway, he was a real jealous type, always doting over me, but not liking the fact that I had other male friends. So what do I do but go and get a roommate, who happened to be a guy, which the boyfriend didn’t like. I mean why couldn’t I be roommates with the boyfriend (that was the question I was asking myself when I was seeing all of this)? Anyway, we ended up doing bad things to each other, and the boyfriend didn’t know about it until one morning, he came knocking on the door. We were rushing to get dressed when suddenly, he opens the door, all sad faced and everything. I felt bad, and then I woke up. That was a pretty short dream. I Didn’t like that dream at all.

The next one I can remember, again with the weird, just a tiny bit of it was a take off the movie “Secretary”. Some little guy was trying to be all bossy, trying to audition me to be his live in assistant. He wanted to test me, to see if I would do what he said without any argument. For some reason, he wanted me to cut his hair. He had such pretty hair, and I didn’t want to cut it. But I did, and all of a sudden, dude turned into a chick. She wanted me to come live with her, and help her break up with her boyfriend. There was no real reason for her wanting to break up with him, other than she was selfish and didn’t want to spend her money (actually, her parent’s money – millionaires or something, didn’t really get into all of that). He was such a sweet guy – apparently she talked a lot about him, and in my mind, I was saying “But he’s such a sweet guy, don’t do it”. So as we were leaving her office, I was trying to think of a way to turn down her request. Suddenly we’re inside Raleigh Springs Mall, and it was all nice and neat. It actually had a Macy’s inside of it! I remember I wanted to go and try on some of the dresses that were in the window, but the lady wouldn’t let me. She wanted to continue to talk about her plan to break up with her boyfriend. Then we saw a bunch of couples running around doing some sort of scavenger hunt. It was a bunch of engaged couples that were competing to find some items that pertained to weddings, and the first couple to get all of the items would win the wedding of their dreams. This one couple, they were ruthless. I mean tearing up kiosks throughout the mall, yelling at folks, it was crazy!

The remaining dreams were just a bunch of clips of me flying, hiding in supply closets from big girls trying to hire me to be their assistants, and trying to hide from the boyfriend in the first dream. I eventually woke up, but ended up going back to sleep and picking back up with the first dream. This time, the roommate and I were fighting over who would get to use the shower first. After a few hand slaps and towel pops, I beat him to the shower. Now I didn’t get the chance to take a shower because I was finally awakened by the alarm clock.

Honestly, I don’t know why I have dreams like this, but I have them. I really do believe that some of the dreams are brought on either by what I’ve seen during the day, like walking around Jo Ann’s yesterday and seeing some bridal magazine with the ugliest dress I’d ever seen, or what I've eaten before heading to bed, like that nice yummy donut. I would have thought that I would have dreamed about a dragon after seeing this really horrible movie Saturday night, or watching Narnia last night. But no, I dream about a friend I haven’t seen in a while, Ben Stiller, and some crazy girl I don’t even know. It’s funny, I can dream about people I’ve never met. My imagination runs a little wild sometimes. Oh, but wait, there is more to come! Hope you all stick around to see what else I can conjure up.

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