Friday, June 24, 2011

Anticipating the End of an Era

As you may already know (and if you don't, you have a problem), I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I have read all of the books, multiple times, seen the movies, multiple times, and I am one of the millions of fans anticipating the final installment of the Harry Potter series - I call it Harry Potter 7.2, because they split the last book up into 2 movies. It's funny because they did the same for the Twilight series, and I'm not all that excited about it. May be it's because I didn't like the last book all that much. The third book was awesome, but the fourth book, not so much. Sure, I'm ready to see the birthing scene, but not the so called stand off scene. She's staring, for goodness sakes!

Anyway, this is about the Potter boy. I have been having a lot of dreams in anticipation of the final movie, and they have been FUNNY! Like this last dream, I had a dream that I was playing host to the three kids that play the trio in the movie, Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, and Rupert Grint. Now the reason why they were staying with me was because Memphis was hosting an awards ceremony where they were a part of a segment where they were telling jokes, and being witty, and all kinds of stuff. Daniel was talking about how beautiful Ginnifer Goodwin (He's Just Not That Into You, Big Love), and said she had "huge tracks of land". Now, if you don't know the reference to this, I think you are really crazy! Anyway, they did their deed, and came on to the house. We all hung out for a while, and then we went out to dinner, to the place we went to yesterday for one of my co-worker's retirement party. We were talking about all of the adventures we had for the week, and then Rupert mentioned that he had gotten arrested earlier in the week. He went with some of my cousins and a few friends to Greg's, a men's clothing store here in Memphis (I don't even know if we still have one). Well, he bought like a $400 pair of Rayban sun glasses, but some guy that looked like him had just robbed the store and walked out with a pair just like it. The manager stopped Rupert instead and pressed charges against him, so he was arrested. So he had to be booked, taken to 201 Poplar, and processed and everything - we were wondering why we hadn't heard from him in a while, but we went on as if everything was okay. So anyway, the manager finally came in with a tape, trying to prove that Rupert was the robber, only to find out that he wasn't, so they had to release him. Dude, I would have whopped up on someone, but Rupert was quite nice about it all!

So after all of that, we had a great dinner, told stories about the movies and books, and went on about our visit. One really weird part about the dream was that we kept jumping off of buildings and onto box springs, without the covers, so we were just jumping on springs. It was fun! Oh, and then we were all staying at my grandma's house. It was fun!

Well, that was it. I can't remember the rest of it. Most of it was spent at the awards show and dinner. Just so funny that old boy got arrested. Hilarious! Well, I have some work to do this weekend. May be I'll have lots of fun dreams. For now, enjoy my Harry Potter obsession!
Yes, I bought the 36 page special edition. I am a nerd, and I am proud of it! PS - Tom Felton and Rupert are pretty in this thing. So is Emma, but still...

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