Saturday, July 9, 2011

Let's Play Catch Up!

So it's been a while since I last blogged about my dreams. I guess it was because, honestly, I was being lazy. But now, I can catch up and let you all know about my dreams. I don't think I wrote about the one I had a few weeks ago, involving my niece. Well, my niece, she is a special girl, meaning that she has been troublesome for a while, but she is finally coming out of it. Well, I had a dream that she had gotten shot. It all started when she was supposed to be at the house to watch Kayla, but she never showed up. I got up, got Kayla ready for a bath, and when she got in, I noticed that she had some burn marks on her back. Of course, I was highly upset because they were fresh burn marks, and no one told me that she had been hurt. Before I could even scream at my mom and brother for not telling me about it, they were trying to figure out who was calling and hanging up on the house phone. I did ask what happened, but they claimed they didn't know. Suddenly some officer showed up at the door. He told my brother that my niece had been shot at an apartment complex. Come to find out, my brother's friend tried to call him to let him know that she had seen on the news a shooting happened at the complex where my niece lived (in my dream, that is - she currently lives between our house and her boyfriend's house). Anyway, I woke up crying. I didn't like that dream. Needless to say, when my niece stopped by the house the next morning, I gave her a huge hug. I love my big baby. She's the reason why I go by Dee Dee sometimes. My big pumpkin.

There have been a few other dreams - some taking place at my grandma's house, some being in the old apartment complex we lived in years ago. For example, last night, Vin Diesel was waiting outside our apartment, waiting to do a few interviews, and take some pictures with my friends and I, but for some reason, my hair came down, and I couldn't get it to look right. I looked all over the house for one of my wigs, and I couldn't find one that looked right. Even my short-haired wig was messed up. Apparently my mom decided to cut it into a new style and it didn't work. I ended up missing the photo session with Vin, and I was not happy!

Well, that's about it for now. I can't remember any of my other dreams. I guess now I can go and start on my paper. I'm pretty tired, but I need to get to work. Good day to you all!

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