Sunday, June 12, 2011

Taking a Study Break

Before I forget, I have to talk about this wonderfully weird dream I had a few nights ago that brought the movie Annie and Lord of the Rings together, not to mention a few Third Reich references into the mix. It was kind of weird. The first part of the dream what what things would look like in the end - basically starting a movie from the end and then beginning. So I see these cartoon characters, almost like Mickey Mouse from Fantasia, sitting in a castle that's about to crumble down. We begin to wonder how did this happen? Why was this castle about to fall down, and why was everyone looking like cartoons?

So we were all in a warehouse, listening to music, watching some kids perform, one of them happened to be Annie, and for some reason, she was trying to get away from some folks who had been chasing her. All of a sudden, this picture was mounted on the wall of the warehouse, and some folks knew that in order to make the picture move, someone had to say the magic words. Well, I spoke them, by accident, and the picture began to move and it started to look like it was built by Nazis or what not. This thing had to be destroyed, so Annie, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pip had to fly up in a hot air balloon with some magic powder to kill the picture. It became the castle that we saw in the beginning. A bunch of cartoon characters were trapped in castle, and they were soon saved. The castle began to crumble, and the people who created the picture started for follow them, and for some reason, I got dragged into the fight. So we had to fly off into the sky. When we finally reached the outer hemisphere, it became blocked by a ceiling, like you would find in your bedroom. I found the portal to the other world, where we would be safe and all become cartoons. It took about three tries to get into the other room, which looked like a mirror image to the room we were in. When we got into the other room and moved a little further into it, it was as if the mirror was just a barrier for those who truly were not supposed to be there. We all made it through and became cartoons, and we all lived happily ever after. As for the Nazis, they were destroyed when they crossed over into the other room. Spontaneously combusted.

Not sure as to why I had that dream. Of course I had the other dreams with tornadoes, having to hide out in cellars, it was cool. Other than that, I can't remember what my dreams were about from last night. So that's that. I'm going to go and do some more homework. Later gators!

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