Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dreams Inspired by the Con!

So I've been down in Atlanta all weekend for Dragon Con - funny that they already have it advertised for next year. And when you spend most of your time looking at strange pictures, people, costumes, etc., you start to have fun and crazy dreams. I had one that was really cool, except that everyone dies. It all started with a virus that was airborne. We were all told that if we got a shot, we would be immune to it. Needless to say, there was still a possibility that we would all get it, and we would die. No one knew how it would happen, or when it would happen, but it was going to happen, no matter what. The way it would happen is that the virus would get into your system, and starting from the feet up, your body would start to dissolve. The last thing to go would be your brain, so you can see yourself as your body dissolve.

I watched many friends and family go before me, and finally, it ended up being my turn. I was holding my daughter as I was saying good bye to one of my friends, and I was telling her that since my family was now gone, she had to take care of her either until she died, or until my daughter died. Again, no one was going to make it at all, so it was inevitable that Kayla would be dying soon. So as I died, I could see the skin dissolved from my feet, and then the bones, and when it finally reached my head, I felt it take over my chin, and then my mouth, my nose, eyes, and finally my brain.

After the few seconds when I died, I suddenly found myself somewhere else. It was like earth, but it wasn't. It was a completely new planet. Apparently when we died on this planet, we went to another one, completely alive. What was happening was our old bodies could no longer function on earth, so we had to be transported to our new home. Unfortunately we had to dissolve in such a gruesome manner. When I made it to my destination, I found my mama waiting on me. She told me what was going on, basically scientists knew that earth was no longer inhabitable, so we had to me transported to our new home. I asked was everyone else there, and she said yes. What about Kayla? She told me that she would be along soon, so not to worry. Apparently I gave her the virus while I was holding her. Opps! But at least my baby was coming with me!

Now, another dream I had, well, it entails yet again the end of the world. This time, I had some friends to join me. One of my old roommates from undergrad (the first time) was a hall monitor at my old high school. Apparently we all had to line up before being dismissed to catch the bus or leave for the day. My mom was with me, so I thought that I could just bypass the whole having to line up thing. Apparently that was not the case, so one of the other hall monitors tried to make us get back into the line. Mom and I ducked out of the school, running into Bre at the library exit. Well, when I saw her, I was like sorry, but since the world was ending soon, I didn't think I would have to wait in line, wasting any more time. She agreed, and let us go. We made plans to meet up later for dinner later on that evening with some other friends, but I never had the chance to make it. We all had to get on the shuttle that was going to take us to a safe place that would protect us when the world ended. That kind of sucked because I was ready for some margaritas and nachos.

Other than that, dealt with a lot of dark spaces and having to close curtains to keep the light from getting into the house - the light brought in bad aliens or something. Light was not good in this dream. Light was evil. So that was about it. I hope you all had a wonderful time. Until the next dream!

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