Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm Henry the Eighth I Am!

Have you ever had a dream that was so real...nah, not going to start like that this morning. I have been feeling all kinds of funky lately, so of course, the bad feelings affect the dreams. No, it was not a bad dream at all, just really crazy.

So I'm at this party with a group of friends, co-workers, church members, just about every person that I know, and we are mingling. While we are mingling, I keep seeing this scene from The Green Mile, where Michael Clark Duncan was showing the officers who actually killed the little girls. I can't stand that part of the movie because it makes me cry, and I want to kill that guy for hurting those babies. I kept on seeing that same scene over and over again, until finally Duncan's character was executed.

After the execution, we got ready for the dinner. Everyone was like "You're sitting at my table, right?" Of course, I couldn't say no, so I agreed to sit with everyone. Neville Longbottom was the first one to ask, so of course I said yes to him. Then my supervisor told me she was sitting with me, a few of my best friends, and then Henry VIII, the young Henry VIII, who supposedly was a very old friend of mine, was like "You will be joining at the head table, I take it?" Now, I was not about to tell the man who has cut off the heads of his former wives no! I like living, and he was my friend, so I said yes! It worked out okay because it was the head table, the largest one in the ballroom, so everyone I told that I would be sitting with them was able to join me. He was a little PO-ed that the boyfriend joined in. Sorry, your highness, but I got a man, and I wasn't about to not let him sit with us. Don't know if we lost our heads in the end, but dinner and the conversation was da bomb!

Other than that, didn't have such a great night sleeping. My tummy doesn't like me right now, so I was up every other hour, taking bathroom breaks. Too bad that was the only dream I could remember. How about you all? Did any of you have any stomach-ache-induced dreams? I hope they were good if you did! Until next time!

Friday, August 12, 2011

More Angel For You To See!

I've had some cool dreams over the last few days, but due to the finals, I haven't been able to post anything. Thank goodness I am done because this last dream I had, WOW! I mean, it was awesome! I have been trying to figure out how I would tell it, if I should write it out like a short story or what, because that dream could easily be turned into a novel. So if anyone decides to take this and run with it, you are owing me a portion of the proceeds, 95%, due to the fact that these dreams are the sole property of Melodie V. Patterson, and not that of any other representative of Dee Dee Tech, Inc. I just made that up, but seriously, don't take this, or I'll cut you!

So I saw the movie Inception, FINALLY in its entirety. I must say that it helped to explain a lot in my dreams - well, at least it did for me. I found it an interesting movie. So let's get started on my dream. I found myself inside of a hotel, and I was waiting with a group of people to get on an elevator in the middle of the lobby. It kind of reminded me of the elevators in the hotels in Atlanta - all of them, really. It wasn't just one in particular, but a take on all of them. So we get on, and as I get on, I suddenly find myself outside of the elevator and falling down the elevator shaft. I was thinking I was about to die, but I managed to land on my feet. I was dressed differently from when I got into the elevator, I was wondering what had happened to cause me to just be falling in the elevator. So I walked over to one of the operators working on the cords and asked what in the world was going on. He told me that the elevators had crashed earlier in the week, and they were doing some maintenance. Now here I was, thinking oh, hell, I died in the elevator, and now I'm an angel or something, but how could this guy be talking to me?

So I crawl up out of the shaft, and go into the lobby of the hotel to see that everything had changed in just a few days. What was really strange was that there was a story on the news about the impending end of the world. I thought, well, damn, I couldn't have missed this, and some guy came up behind me and said "I see that you've made it back." Didn't know who this guy was, but apparently he knew me. I asked him what he was talking about, and he was like "You don't remember? Well, carrying souls home does take a lot out of you, but to have amnesia after a task, that's just odd!" Taking souls home? He finally goes on to tell me that I am the angel of death. Again? Yup, this time, I'm actually the angel of death, and I was assigned to the hotel to carry all of those folks to heaven. I don't mind having to help people, but why do I always have to help dead folks? It's getting to be depressing.

So as I'm trying to figure out what's going on in my life, and why is it that I suddenly forgot who I was (apparently it had never happened before), there were some other guys across town being helped out, but in the wrong way. Some guy was making a deal with the devil, and you could just see the evil pouring out of him. I mean it was like mud! So much so that when he would go to other parts of the town, a muddy cloud would just follow him. And when he would go and recruit his minions, that muddy cloud would infect them. There was a couple that was in a pool, and he was like "yeah, you two can get dirty", and just like that, they were waddling around in a pool full of mud. It was disgusting!

Needless to say, we eventually all met up for a battle. Thundering and lightening all over the place, me doing my impressive karate movies (I think that's because me and little bit were doing karate last night). And the mud, dude, it tried to get me. But of course, good conquered evil, we won, and the sky was still gray. Yes, it still stormed on! I guess it was because it was clearing out all of that mud.

So that was it for that dream. I just remembered that I did have a dream about tornadoes again. These were actual tornadoes, and I was actually able to see the funnel cloud form. None of that seeing them from far off. And so happens, my dad was with me. Kind of ironic being that I just found out some really bad news about him. He'll be fine, but he's got some stuff he needs to work out.

Other than that, I've finished for the summer semester! Now, lets bring on the fall...YAY!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Crazy @$$ Dreams

So I've been having these really crazy dreams lately. Fun, but crazy. Let's get started!

First dream, several nights ago, I was a tattoo artist, and guess who comes in for a tattoo? Rupert Grint! You all know I have an obsession with Harry Potter, and the ginger boy comes in to my parlor for a tattoo. So why do I allow my object of obsession in my dream get the lamest of lame tattoos: his name on his back? I was like "Really, you want your name on your back?" He was like yeah, but I was like "But you're going to be wearing your shirt, right?" Yeah, he looked at me like I was crazy and just went ahead and opted for the name on his back. To each his own. I was getting paid, so I did it anyway. Thanks to the boyfriend for getting the money first. Funny thing, watching TMZ right now, and who else but Rupert Grint pops up on the screen - they asked if he embraced his gingerness when he was a kid. Okay, cool! Now, come on, let me say something able powerball and get it, since I started talking about Rupert, and he pops up out of nowhere!

Then later on in the dream, some space shuttles and airplanes started falling from the sky. I don't like those dreams because they start falling, like they are about to land, and then flip, go back up, and then come back down. Don't know what this means about the planes falling from the sky, but I don't think I want to fly for a while. Remember La Bamba? Yeah, I thought so.

Now, last night's dream, too cool! So some friends and I were being held captive by some robots, and they had a pool full of sharks that were keeping us from getting away. So they were threatening to throw one of my friends into the pool when I said "Wait, throw me in!" What? I know you may be asking yourself why would I do something like that. Well, I had a little trick up my sleeve. I was able to withstand the shark bites. Seriously, one of them bit me, and then another, and it was as if I couldn't feel a thing. Too cool! Then suddenly I made them all just freeze. They were like frozen whole fish, sitting in the pool. Poor babies, didn't know what hit them when they bit me. It did kind of suck to get them to open their mouths and remove the teeth from my skin. If you know anything about removing a fishing hook from your clothing, it was like that.

Other than that, driving through the countryside, talking with friends about different houses, possibly moving out away from the city, and all that jazz! So what do you think? I'm going to get bit by a shark this week, or something is going to bit me in the arse? Actually, I've already experienced that in the metaphorical sense, so what else could happen? I guess that is all for now. Until next time. Love to you all!

Enjoy my Rupert!

And what my baby got me...Yay! I love you!