Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm Back! Sort of...

First of all...HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am SO sorry I haven't posted in forever. It's not that I haven't been dreaming, because I have. It's because I've been busy. Work is crazy, people are crazy! I just haven't had the time to post.

So really quick - last night's dream. I had a dream that one of my friend's had a pug/bull dog mix, and he was adorable. Just a little on the ADD side. Well, I was staying at her mom's house, and the dog got a little excited and bit me on my butt. Now I could feel that, and man, did it hurt! Don't you hate when you feel things in your dream, you actually think it's real? He eventually let go, but he had to go to the dog whisperer for training.

Then I had a dream that Nintendo came out with a new game. It was based off The Matrix, and (SPOILER ALERT)it picked up where Neo died at the end. The little machine bugs got inside him and revived him, and it was right before he blew up Agent Smith, who was actually the Oracle and got inside Neo. Well, he went back in time, defeated all of the Smiths, and was back kicking butt all over again. If you can recall, they had rebuilt humanity about 6 times.

Well, other than that, I wanted to post something that I sent earlier today. If you have ever experienced taking order from really picky people, check out what my request was to my co-worker. Enjoy!

The Request:

Good morning everyone –

We are trying something new with Jason’s Deli. I have attached their menu. If you plan to be at this Lunch and Learn, please look at the menu, make your choice as to what you would like for lunch and get your order back to me by tomorrow (THURSDAY) at 4:30. Thanks so much!!!

My Response:

I would like a Club Royale with no ham. I would like it lightly toasted, but not toasted by a regular toaster or on a grill. It must be toasted on the hot rocks found in the Arizona desert. Only a shaman should be the one to toast my sandwich, for it will be a holy sandwich.

I want light mayo, and the mayo should only come from a jar that was not touched by human hands, but that of an angel – the purest of all. The Arch Angel Michael!

The honey mustard must be made with pure honey, taken from the queen bee herself. Not that processed crap.

Only ice berg lettuce shall touch this sandwich, and the tomatoes should have been ripened by the Tuscan sun!

Real Swiss people should have made the cheese. If not, you should have them start over, and get a Swiss man name Sven to put it on my sandwich.

The bacon must be turkey bacon. My body does not consume the meat that comes from a dirty animal. As a matter of fact, I don’t eat things with faces, to the bacon should be veggie, and the turkey, soy!

It shall be wrapped up in paper that was recycled. It must have the “Made with 100% recyclable products” posted on it.

And finally, it must be delivered to me personally by Rupert Grint. I know that it will cost more to get him than to order all of these sandwiches, but you can handle it.

But seriously, I want the Club Royale with no ham. Everything else on it is okay.